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  • Nice, or maybe not. lol Some people hate it down here but it is my paradise. Maybe I haven't been here long enough to hate it yet. WHy did you move out and where to?
    Hi! :) Nice to see another stoner chick on here since we're so limited lol Thanks 4 the request & hope all is well with you :bigjoint:
    Thanks. 8) One of Beth's clones (Bree) is even nicer looking. She's somewhere between 1-2 weeks away from being ready to cut. She's *SO* crystalized and has tons of bud. I'll have to take pix of her and post them up here. My family lives all over GA, but mostly concentrated in Buckhead, Winder, Bethlehem, and Cleveland.
    That's cool. I have family in GA so I spend a lot of time there too. It's a good place to hang out. I have a bunch of pix of me I thought about putting up that I just covered up my eyes on. But I haven't put them up yet because I'm such a unique looking person that if anyone saw me in real life they'd know right away that I'm me. So I've just limited it to the picture on my profile, which is enough for now. Once I get more comfortable with the site, I might post more.
    What up, laydee? Your siggie says "we need more hott weed growin chicks!". I'm one, well maybe not hot to some, but.... AND I live in FL too! East coast. What about you?
    i have nothing going right now :( im not allowed to grow at home anymore. my mom just cant stand the smell. so until i find a new place to grow, im not doing anything that way. the iso hash is a good good smoke. and its easy as hell to make you just put ground up bud in a glass jar, pour in enough iso (99% isopropyl alcohol, you can get it at a drugstore in the first aid section) to just cover the buds. put on a lid, shake it for about 30 seconds, and then pour it into a coffee filter, and into a glass dish. after most of the alcohol has gone through the coffee filter, squeeze it really gently to get as much of the alcohol out as you can. try not to get any little pieces of bud into your glass dish. then i do a 2nd wash, where i put the wet weed back in the jar, cover it with iso again and filter a 2nd time. then you just let the liquid sit in the dish overnight. the alcohol will evaporate and you scrape the hash off with a razor :D
    i fucked i chopped everything down but i didnt have room to hang it so i was just gonna stick it all in paper bags. well...the paper of the bags was too thick and held the moisture too much and almost all of it molded. i still ended up getting rid of most of it haha. i sold it at a discount so the boys bought it up lol. it was ok for making iso though, have you smoked iso hash? its gooood. the first time i smoked it, i couldnt even stand up straight hahahaha :D
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