Recent content by Redstripe

  1. R

    Anyone grown bigbud before?

    If it's the same bigbud from the early 00's it's pretty bland smoke tbh.
  2. R

    Weird yellowing

    Lol doesn't matter which technical term you wanna use if it branches off of the stem it's called a branch and not a stem.
  3. R

    Weird yellowing

    Yeah if she turns out to be a keeper it's a good way to identify her also. Bro those pics i posted i don't even think you can see a stem, It's called a branch and it's common for them to get sun burnt.
  4. R

    Weird yellowing

    Ill have whatever your having mate.
  5. R

    Weird yellowing

    Cheers for the replies lads. Yeah I was kinda worried it was some sort of virus looked similar to some of the ones i've seen, but it's seemed to have grown out of it since i posted these pics. Where are you seeing purpling bro?
  6. R

    Weird yellowing

    Sup peeps got a couple leaves showing a bit of a strange yellowing only 3 leaves and the rest of the plant seems healthy but never seen it before anyone got a clue what it is?
  7. R

    Nute Burn?

    You need to find out what the run off is cos if the PPM's are to high inside the pot it'll burn once it starts to get a bit dry 550's a bit high for plants that size as well imo.
  8. R

    Bud rot what to do

    Hey guys as the title says 99% sure I’ve got bud rot caught it super early tho and doesn’t seem to have spread very far, apart from spotting a dead leaf and taking a quick look I’ve gone and got a plastic bag and chopped the whole top off now what else can I do/should do? Was thinking of...
  9. R

    Halfway through flower

    @KK26 Yeah for sure man unless it's affecting stuff don't worry I did at the start but doing research and realising mine are probably due to direct light exposure rather than anything else as the undersides/closer to the actual stem where the light doesn't reach aren't touched.
  10. R

    Halfway through flower

    Cheers guys like I say with the high ec,clawing and purple showing up got me abit worried. @GreenestBasterd Well it’s a bag seed however the guy said it was cherry pie, but apparently it’s rare to get seeds of cherry pie so it’s unlikely, probably a close relative it’s definitely got the right...
  11. R

    Halfway through flower

    Hey guys as the title says I’m half way through flower start of week 5 and having a couple of issues hopefully not to serious, I’ve been having problems the last couple days with my run off was really high like 4.0ec anyways I’ve done a flush it’s now at 1.5 doesn’t want to go any lower than...
  12. R

    Looking to flip

    Inside stuff what do you mean bro? just random fan leaves or what? I was gonna let them stretch for a week and see how it was looking then give em a lil trim would that be an option? cos they're super short atm.
  13. R

    Looking to flip

    Nice one mate that's what I was looking for really didn't want to send em into flower if they're a bit unhealthy would rather stabilise it first but think I'm gonna get the show on the road. Yeah the bottom foliage doesn't look good at all but with how plants worked mixed in with the fact i've...
  14. R

    Looking to flip

    Easy peeps as the title says I’m looking to flip but had a couple questions, the foliage underneath tends to be quite rough and droopy is this down to the light not getting through or what as the stuff on top looks good to me. Also there are some nicks and marks on a few leaves im fairly sure...
  15. R

    Need help identifying this

    Hey hope all is well, as the title says need help confirming what this could be loads of yellow spots on a isolated fan leaf it suffered from nute burn a week a go have since sorted that issue and most of the plant/new growth seems to not be effected, looking around online it looks like bugs but...