salvadorean bud
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  • Yeah man put one in a bin you know the ones the yellow bin ,I think its the recycling bin just drill a heap of holes in the bottom we filled one up it was like 200 + ltrs of soil to almost fill it ay hahaha, and yeah no probs with the flush this will be kill a weed as you rs will be too well be blazed for fucken yonks ay
    Yeah you seen em ill take more of the buds when they bigger and when i pull up and yeah bro very important you get the flush right bro you blazen some killa shit hay
    Yeh man with 3 table spoons of black strap molasses to every ten liters of water for a week then rainwater for a week but still got ages to go yet
    Yeah i know i will upload some more on thursday when iget the app how much you lookeb to get out and how long till they ready to smoke up
    Cheers bro I try my best , your tree looks fucken mad , for some reason I can't see a big pic of it I can only see the little photo of the big plant in your profile pic
    Yeah bro I had to download the mobile app cost me 2 bucks , cause I couldn't load pics properly from phone till I got the app , have a look at my grow journal pics
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