Recent content by SpliffyUK

  1. S

    Hey Guys....

    Exactly. My GF is at Uni and had to do an essay on different peoples views on Heaven and Hell. My answer was, its like christmas and santa. if you've been good, you get good. If not, it's the firey pits for you. (invented by the church). Hah and I've repped you just because you asked lol
  2. S

    Hey Guys....

    So hey... Just wondering, is this a predominantly UK site, or is it mainly US?
  3. S

    Hey Guys....

    Nope, but I know Zeitgeist gave me all the info I'll ever need against god people lol
  4. S

    FiRsTgRoW BIGBUDx10 KTx2, please come take a look all help VERY welcome CoMeOnIn

    Hey way to work your watering out is by weight. Pick up the pot, and if it feels light, give it a thorough watering. When the water starts to come through the drain holes, leave it for 30 mins. The plant will pull back up what it needs. Then water again, and whatever comes...
  5. S

    Hey Guys....

    Just another noob saying high. Currently growing 10 White Rhino seedlings under 160W of CFL's, just thought I'd have a look-see how you guys do your micro grows ;) That is all thanks. Hi ;)