Recent content by underthestars

  1. underthestars

    super soil

    Anyone know if I will be fine with just using super soil and some perlite to grow my autos, using minimum to no nutrients? If I do need to use nutrients does anyone have any beginner recommendations?
  2. underthestars

    Underground drying

    Hell na, i got my own crib
  3. underthestars

    Underground drying

    If I can create proper ventilation and air movement inside I dont get why people are saying I will get mold. Im using redwood which is known to be the best option for underground and im going to wrap the structure with a big plastic tarp. The soil is super dry and it almost never rains here.
  4. underthestars

    Underground drying

    Im 34
  5. underthestars

    Underground drying

    For y'all just to get a better picture of my situation, Im growing outside and I need to do the whole grow process very discreetly. I cant bring it inside my house to dry and I cant build a structure that stands up, so I just thought to go underground and try to dry and cure it there. idk if...
  6. underthestars

    Underground drying

    I needed a place to dry my grow after its done so I decided to dig a hole by hand and im about to start building the inside frame. If I could have thought of a better solution I wouldn't have gone through all this work, but its the best I can think of for my situation.
  7. underthestars

    Underground drying

    I need to grow and dry very discreetly outside
  8. underthestars

    Underground drying

    Im about half a mile from the coast in socal where the soil is super dry and it almost never rains
  9. underthestars

    Underground drying

    Thanks for the actual advise!
  10. underthestars

    Underground drying

    Thats why I posted it, if yall got any good ideas. Ill lyk if this shit ends up working out or turns into a cannabis coffin
  11. underthestars

    Underground drying

    Im close to a coast in socal that gets rain not even 10 times a year. The soil is super dry.
  12. underthestars

    Underground drying

    damn I just got shit on
  13. underthestars

    Underground drying

    Im in the process of digging a hole thats 7 feet tall, to fit a wooden box into to dry my plants. Its going to be standard wood with nothing sprayed or coated on it because I dont want any chemicals on my plants. I will have it completely sealed off and light proof, Ill have it simply ventilated...
  14. underthestars

    underground water storage

    Anyone got any experience with burying a water container to support a off grid grow? Will the Ph get affected with no water moment/ fresh air, or will I be chillin?
  15. underthestars

    thanks for all the help g

    thanks for all the help g