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  • Sorry, but I don't. Remember this is an outdoor grow, and you can use this technic inside. With the fact that you control the light cycle inside, you can veg a lot longer and increase the yield. This will take practice, just take it slow and play around with it. Patience is a virtue! But like I said, don't start too soon or take to many at a time, all of that will stunt the growth and that'll slow down the process, and or harm the plant. Make sure the leaves you take have solid growth at the node. Meaning that the new stems and leaves are actually out and open. They'll be needed to replace the one big one you took. Plus you can top it at a spot to produce 2 main shoots on top, causing you to get 2 mean suckers on top and not just 1. Good Luck!!!
    Basically you need to clip the bigger leaves once you see the new growth coming out of the node. What this does is allows the plant to focus it's energy on the new growth. But you can't really start to do this until you have a decent amount of overall growth. Otherwise you can stunt the growth severally. Keep in mind that ever node is a possible bud generator. The more nodes you have, the higher possible yield.
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