Advanced Nutrients LIE on their labels...

YOu know, it's funny.
Ask Collective Gardener, and he'll tell you that AN has given him the biggest yeild he's ever seen in his 30+ years of growing.
If I had the money, didn't know better and just wanted a big harvest without the politics, I'd buy a bag of Promix and perlite and a couple hundred dollars worth of advanced nutes and call it a day.
You have to admit they've been pushing research in the industry like no-one else (until recently).
YOu know, it's funny.
Ask Collective Gardener, and he'll tell you that AN has given him the biggest yeild he's ever seen in his 30+ years of growing.
If I had the money, didn't know better and just wanted a big harvest without the politics, I'd buy a bag of Promix and perlite and a couple hundred dollars worth of advanced nutes and call it a day.
You have to admit they've been pushing research in the industry like no-one else (until recently).
I got below average yields and poor bud density with Connoisseur and if they were actually doing any pragmatic research, they'd have changed their formulas by now. You also don't need a big budget and ten bottles to yield well.
They also contain shitloads of heavy metals like lead, cadmium... Nasty shit which cannabis specifically out of all plants on the planet can absorb extremely well.

Next time you smoke a AN grown bid think about that.
Infact did you know cannabis is SO good at absorbing heavy metals it was used at Chernoble after the "incident" to clean up heavy metals in the soil from the reactors.

So it sucks them all up no problem, so enjoy smoking the ones AN provide...
Infact did you know cannabis is SO good at absorbing heavy metals it was used at Chernoble after the "incident" to clean up heavy metals in the soil from the reactors.

So it sucks them all up no problem, so enjoy smoking the ones AN provide...
Wow, yet another incredible property of this incredible plant!!
Advanced Nutrients actually responded to this type of thing ages ago.

And that Integral Hydro guy is a nutjob. He gets banned a lot from forums for pretending to be other people and promoting his website/book.

That's a link to a different forum, which I apologize for if it's not allowed. If not, you can find it yourself by doing a search for "What to use now that Phosphoload and Gravity are gone?" that's the name of the thread.

A lot of people believe this guy because he tells them what they want to hear.
Advanced Nutrients actually responded to this type of thing ages ago.

And that Integral Hydro guy is a nutjob. He gets banned a lot from forums for pretending to be other people and promoting his website/book.

That's a link to a different forum, which I apologize for if it's not allowed. If not, you can find it yourself by doing a search for "What to use now that Phosphoload and Gravity are gone?" that's the name of the thread.

A lot of people believe this guy because he tells them what they want to hear.
It's one thing to not meet the labeling requirements for a particular mineral which is what your roesbud article is talking about, it's another thing to mislabel and mislead about the actual content of the minerals found in the product, which is what AN is guilty of.

It's quite ironic that your article is bitching about the fact that aminos sometimes can't be listed in the guaranteed analysis, yet AN lied about the content of 9 out of 15 amino acids in their formula, which the plants already make themselves anyways:lol:.
Oh man this is funny. About ten minutes ago Advanced Nutrients made the following update to their facebook status:

"Do Carbohydrate Supplements Really Produce Bigger Yields and Root Systems in Hydroponic Gardens? Give us your opinions, thoughts & views.
- AN"

I responded with something along the lines of "Well according to the Agricultural Department of the State of Oregon" you people are a bit deceptive in regards to the amounts of ingredients listed on your bottles of carbo supplements. Care to respond with a rebuttal convincing enough to keep me as a die hard patron of Advanced products?"

And then I linked the OP's article under the text. 5 minutes later my post was deleted and Advanced Nutrients removed me from their page and blocked me from replying any more.

Their response after deleting me:

"Advanced Nutrients
Thomas ********, Is that why our products are available throughout the United States, Canada, most of Europe and all of the UK? I guess Oregon is the mecca of hydroponics growing and Oregon regulators the official label police."

Then 30 seconds later another response:

"Advanced Nutrients
Ask people who live in Oregon what the challenges are in buying products in their state."

Just thought you guys might get a kick out of that.
Somebody should add their facebook and offer a rebuttal aimed at their response to my challenge. I must admit, I was wearing my troll face while typing that on their page but only like half of a troll face. I seriously hoped they would give me an answer that would help restore my faith in AN but at the same time I wondered how much butthurt I was capable of producing. lol
Advanced Nutrients can eat my dick. Go with Fox Farm if you don't want some crazy bullshit, hell go with Miracle Grow... anythings better than AN
i can back the info on them lying. i was in the industry and there is way more to it then just his labels..he was my direct competiton here. a few of his items were tested and didnt come anywhere near what the label said as the amounts in the bottle or even there at all.

heres their stop sales orders for all nute co in oregon. his excuse is they they want to expose his so called secrets to the public. this has now gone furhter than just oregon. many states are dropping him now. to many legal issues around that whole co
Advanced Nutrients web of lies and unethical marketing tactics is catching up to them fast......people are SLOW to learn though, but eventually they will "catch on" to what the rest of already know...AN SUCKS!!

There ratio's are WAY off so I dont know who could fall for the "we do mj research" anymore....tissue samples show a different story....they use UREA in there hydro formula? Over priced bunch of horse shit!!

I also read that AN is even gang related.......
they used to have a researcher till they ripped him off to and he left about 10 or more years ago...and ya up on 6 person murder and importing coke...again. involved with UN gang. i posted the news info on that to but seems it was removed. guess someone was intimidated by it?? or worried of fall out. its just news and is all over the papers here in bc. bacon brothers and surrey 6 gang slaying if anyone wants the news facts
i don't think its news to anyone who's seen any of AN's marketing campaign or prices that they are shady as shady comes
I can't believe how many people buy into the hype and shell out their money for bottles of basically water. The whole nute industry is more about marketing than having products that actually do you any good. They pretty mush say or put what they want on the label. There is absolutely no need for the dozens of products some people use to grow a weed. Big Bamboozle, Super Duper Gigantic Nuggets, etc... It's all marketing. Too many people fall for a fancy labels and an intriguing name.

There are plenty of inexpensive quality nutrients out there that will produce just as well if not better than all the crap these companies are getting rich off of. I use a product called VitaGrow. It's dirt cheap, easy to customize because it's a true three part with the micronutrients separated from the grow and bloom. Mix it, adjust PH, add back as needed and change the reservoir weekly. That's it. It really is that simple. When I read the lineup of what some people are using I just shake my head. Ten plus products to grow a frickin weed. It's ridiculous. If VitaGrow wasn't so inexpensive I would just mix my own fertilizer. It can't be any harder than keeping up with some of these crazy nutrient schedules people are following.

But if they choose to shell out their money for hyped up water then by all means spend away. It's good for the economy.
i can back the info on them lying. i was in the industry and there is way more to it then just his labels..he was my direct competiton here. a few of his items were tested and didnt come anywhere near what the label said as the amounts in the bottle or even there at all.

heres their stop sales orders for all nute co in oregon. his excuse is they they want to expose his so called secrets to the public. this has now gone furhter than just oregon. many states are dropping him now. to many legal issues around that whole co

Dyna-Gro is on this list too. Are they crappy? So is GH... wtf?