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  • Hey brother new to this forum and I see your vast knowledge on LED lights and the game. Is there an alibaba version of the Growers Choice ROI-E680 that you feel comfortable purchasing? If so, please hit me up with a link. Hope all is well your way, HOTB Farms
    Hope all is well, just thought I’d swing by and wish you a happy holiday season.
    Hey airwalker16 was wondering how hot should my room be when seeding for 3 weeks?? Also what about humidity??
    hey airwalker i have question about this quantum led 480w i have it around 36" from the tops of the seedlings at full brightness and temps are high is it better to lower the light and lower the brightness? You seem to be the expert on lights haha. Thanks in advance.
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    @spark1015 leave it @36" & dim to 50% is best for seedlings
    @ vertivalgrow thank you for that info. I actually have a quantum sensor coming in so I can precisely dial in the ppfd. The info given on these lights is sketchy so I will test my light and post the results for anyone interested.
    If Reno's are in low 80s I'd keep as is. It's up to you if you want tight internodes or a stretched plant where your light is.
    Hey, airwalker extremely new to growing (2 runs)and was about to order 2 opticps. Ur post have made me reconsider Them a lot. Is alibaba site legit to order from? Much appreciated any advise
    However, this has a bit higher watt usage than I initially wanted + it also has a bigger recommended coverage area than my tent. My idea was to dim it down pretty low on veg phase (25 up to 50%) and then boost it up to 75% on blooming phase. This way it would draw around approx. 225 on my max and would result in less heat and longer lifespan as I would never use it on full. What are your thoughts on this? Thanks!!
    Hey Airwalker! I've read in some threads you have some pretty hand on experience with the Mars Hydro TSW2000. As my space is limited, I will have to use an 80x80cm tent. Originally I wanted to go for the Lumatek Attis 200w, but it seems to be out of stock everywhere, so I am considering the Mars Hydro TSW2000 instead.(continued in 2nd post)
    Hey sorry to bother airwalker 16 i am new here still trying to figure out my way around here. Someone sent me your way i am wondering if i could safely use slate 2 QB heatsinks for cobs like citizen clu1212 or cxb 3590s if so how many per 1 qb heatsink and what is safe abouts to run them at. Any help would be much appreciated.

    I would like very much to DIY some LED lights. I really dont know much about it, but im trying to learn. Would you recommend still using Cree3590's or would you go with something newer like the luminus cxm32 gen4's, the vero's or something else entirely?

    Thanks for your time,
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    COBs are great if you already have them. But if not, you're better of using strips or boards. The spread of hundreds/thousands of diodes can't be beat.
    i am starting everything absolutely from scratch. i just finished framing the rooms. and am currently using HID's in tents.

    Could you recommend some strips or QB's or a good place to get them? I was told, or read that the cobs penetrate better than boards/strips, is this no longer true?
    christopher jordan
    The coverage on strips is way better, and you can lower them and run the softer for efficiency .Get a light meter. Multi source lighting will penetrate better than one fixed point.
    Hey mate,
    Im trying to light up a 4'x2' area and I want to use strip lights... just wondering what you recommend as the best bang for buck strip modules available as of right now, how many and what driver ?? Also should I do a mix of 3k and 4k??
    I already have 4 x CXB3590 fitting that I made for a cupboard grow but found the light to be too concentrated and bleach.
    Hey man. Is kingbrite qb288 29$ quantumboard running at 150 watts better than 3 clu 1212 at 150 watts ?
    Is there really a huge difference about the two ?
    They're not even the same form factor at all. Ones 100-200 diodes packed into a space of like a square inch and the other has 288 diodes layed out over an 11"x7" Board.
    Thanks man
    Hey man. Is there a way to private message you. I’d like to send some pics but I’m not sure how I feel about posting on internet due to state laws and whatnot
    • Haha
    Reactions: mysunnyboy
    Sir it’s the Internet nothing is private.
    Leter rip tatterchip
    Haha very true and that’s why I try to be as careful as I can ya know haha
    click on his name so the info panel pops up and hit "start conversation"
    What's happening?
    First time grower seeking direction.
    Curious if my light is too intense for plants?
    Super dense!
    If I'm going to be hounest iv only been growing a little while haven't got a ec tester yet I feed them professors a and b five mil each a and b per littre
    Hi Airwalker, can you give me parts list for an 8 bucket set up like yours? Its going to be for a 4x8 area but the room will be 5x10 so I have a foot to work around. I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks.
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