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    Heat problem

    Im having some heat problem in my new grow room the temp is about 33 celcius im running two 600 watt hps in cooltubes and a fan sucking the air throug a filter into the cooltubes and out of the house. I need some fresh air inside the room what is the best thing for me too do? i was thinking...
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    Putting clones on 12/12

    Is it possible that i could put my clones straight on 12/12 light? im growing in a bubbler. Anyone heard of this being done before or has the experience of doing it?
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    Seriously need your help guy´s !!! (PIC´S)

    Ok i posted a thread here few days ago and showed photos of my plants they where two weeks from seeds and showing some yellowing were the new growth is forming i read about it online on the web and for a minute i thought i had a sulfur deficiency i added a little bit of nutrients with sulfur in...
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    NFT what strain is best? help a brother out ;)

    Im getting a 20 pot Aeroflo system from General Hydroponics starting next week. Now im looking for a good strain to order anybody have ideas what might be best or a good strain for NFT systems?
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    Please help !!! pic´s

    I got 2 1/2 weeks old NL seedlings in a bubbler that i just built recently and so far so good they are still growing fast every day but now it seems like all the new growth on them is turning yellow almost fade to white! I check my water every day my ph is 6.0 and i started out with a EC at 0.6...
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    New growth is yellow...

    I got 2 weeks old NL seedlings in a bubbler that i just built recently and so far so good they are still growing fast every day but now it seems like all the new growth on them is turning yellow almost fade to white! I check my water every day my ph is 6.0 and i started out with a EC at 0.6 im...
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    Changing nutriants?

    Im gonna change my nutriants from GHE flora series to Atami nutriants... do i need to flush my plant before i do that or is it ok to fill my res up with the new stuff ? im growing in a bubbleponic system
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    Nft ?

    Anyone have any good instructions on how to build a good NFT system ???
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    2 weeks old seedlings

    I got 2 weeks old seedlings in a bubbleponic system and the lower leaves on them are burning just a little bit on the tips and i noticed that the color is turning slight yellow on the leaves but in a very small amount... i lowered the water level one inch below the net pots few days ago maybe i...
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    someone please help

    im three weeks into veg and the leaf tip on my plant is burning and the color is getting lighter and lighter but the veins in the leafs are still dark green a just flushed them for a week..... and its still coming i lowered my EC to 0.8 and was gonna build it up but still im having the same shit...
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    how many inches below the net pots?

    Im got my seedlings in bubble system and the first string of roots have come out and a sitting in the water. Now how much do i lower the water level or is it maybe to soon... they are about two weeks old from seed
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    combining ebb and flow with dwc

    Im in the process of building a dwc bubble system and im thinking about making it an ebb and flow also has anybody in here experience with combining the two together and if so am i doing the right thing?
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    Drip or bubble ?

    Driping system or bubbleponic system? wich one is better ive got two dripping systems and im thinking about gettin rid of them and building bubble systems instead...
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    Is the scrog method better then growing just normal? I got two hydro systems with 600w above each one and i was thinking about trying scrog, will i get better yields or...?
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    1200watts hps?

    Im running two grow tents at the moment with Atami wilma 8-pot system in each of them and i have 600w HPS over each system... I´ve got a few weeks left on my grow and i´m not very satisfied with the light i want more light... so for my next growth i was thinking on adding an extra 600w in each...
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    Small closet grow

    Im helping my friend out with a small closet in his room and we have been thinking about what strain too choose... it´s a very small closet about 50cm X 50cm and about 1.60m high we where thinking at first to go with lowryder 2 but since its not able to clone them where thinking about finding...
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    Lowryder 2

    Anyone experienced with lowryder 2 ? Size Flowering Yield
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    increase EC during flowering?

    Is it ok to increase EC during flowering or should i build it during veg and keep it stable during flowering?
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    increasing EC?

    Is it ok to increase EC during flowering or should i build it during veg and keep it stable during flowering?
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    EC levels

    What EC level i best to start from? im using clones, at first i started out at 0,8 and built it up too 1.2 ec in a bubbleponic system i got in some trouble at first cuz there was to much nutes so they got a little bit burn so i had to lower the ec level this happend the week when i was at 1.2...