NFT what strain is best? help a brother out ;)


Well-Known Member
Im getting a 20 pot Aeroflo system from General Hydroponics starting next week. Now im looking for a good strain to order anybody have ideas what might be best or a good strain for NFT systems?

Stoney Jake

Well-Known Member
I dont know much about this system but it seems to me that you will be putting a lot of plants very close together like a SOG. I would go with a quick flowering indica that you can clone to fill it with clippings. Pretty much any leggy indica that clones quick will work great.
Thats what I would be going for with a system like that


Well-Known Member
yeah bro i was thinking something like top-44 or ak-47 but i want something stronger something that knock´s me out like i got some Aurora Indica seeds waiting to pop dont know if its a good strain to take cuttings from then i got some NL at three weeks waiting to get in my system;) but you know any other strain that grow´s fast like ak or 44 but a little more potent ?


Well-Known Member
The guy at my local hydro store is always telling me top-44 but i have smoked it and its not that special but maybe it was from a bad grow or something.


Well-Known Member
How much headroom will you have to grow in? That will determine a lot. If your ceiling is only 8' tall and your unit is 1.5' off of the ground that means you only have 6.5' of vertical growspace. Plus you have to account for spacing between your lights and the tops of your plants. When that is added in your vertical growspace is cut to 4.5'.

This is the reason most will opt for Indica strains when growing indoors.

Try Northern Lights.


Well-Known Member
im getting aeroflo system for 20 pots on monday i got a grow tent wich is 120cm x 120cm and 2 meter high the system fits well in it and there is alot of space around it on the sides the system it self is very low almost the same hight as the res about 50-70 cm im using 2 x 600watt hps...
I got some northen light´ cooking in my bubbler system im planning on starting with those guy´s and see how it will go! but still wanna buy some strain that is well suited for the system i guess there is no perfect answer to my question...
Yo Wbinwv are you eperianced with NFT systems ? what are you growing?