Search results

  1. J

    Best prices quest dehumidifier and 2 zone minisplit

    Any recommendations on vendors for quest dehumidifier?
  2. J

    Best prices quest dehumidifier and 2 zone minisplit

    Looking for best prices on a quest dehumidifier. Got a 20gal/day feed, sealed bloom room. Thinking either 2 - quest 105s if there's good deals out there or a 155. Found 1 vendor that's $1800 for 155. Also, Interested in recommendations for 2ton mini split. Preferably 2 zones with separate...
  3. J

    Autopilot APC8200 Sensor - orange glow and green light

    I just ran an Autopilot APC8200 in a sealed room and noticed the sensor has a green light on during lights out and an orange glow coming from inside the sensor that can be seen through the housing. I covered the green led with metal tape (hopefully that eliminates it), but not sure how to get...
  4. J

    Autowatering system with pump for 30 plants

    Loops makes sense to minimize hydraulic surge. I could probably go to 5gal but I like the root mass in 7gal pots. The rv pump i have has a 45psig shutoff switch so that's max pressure unless switch fails.
  5. J

    Autowatering system with pump for 30 plants

    Thx, ill check em out!
  6. J

    Autowatering system with pump for 30 plants

    ...what is best option for running tubing to each pot? Use the rain bird or blumat 8 head units? What are other options?
  7. J

    Autowatering system with pump for 30 plants

    Looking to expand a medical grow and wanting to set up an auto-watering system for 30 plants. Using 7gal cloth pots, coco and salt nutes. Usually feed about 1.5gal to get 10-20% runoff per pot. Planning on using RV pump to pvc / pex system. Thinking main header across with smaller feeds out...
  8. J

    Automatic PH Control for under $150

    What controllers do you recommend to limit the overdose potential?
  9. J

    Automatic watering systems

    Put a tee at the top and run a 1/4" hose back to rez, when pump turns off and siphon begins it will pull air through the 1/4" hose and break siphon
  10. J

    How long does it take trimming for 1lb?

    So 2lbs per 8 hours? How much your boss pay the average trimmer (not newb but not top guy) or doesn't matter and all are expected 2lbs/day?
  11. J

    Grow room liquid containment

    Yeah, finished basement with finished floors. Planning on moving soon so don't want to mess anything up too bad. Think ill try the pond liner for temp.
  12. J

    Seed City - Anyone else use them??

    Possibly, ordered some beans from ilgm in beginning of June. They were shipped in 3 days, didn't get them until end of office said they lost the package and had no idea where it was, all within conus...crazy. Hope everything works out for you!
  13. J

    Grow room liquid containment

    I've considered it but I want to cover my entire available grow area to maximize plant space so need as close to the 6.5'x14' size or as close as possible.
  14. J

    Grow room liquid containment

    Looking to set up two grow rooms in basement for max 48 plant grow (2 rooms, veg and bloom, both at 6.5'x14'). Floors are finished so need to be protected against uv, over watering and spills. Wanting to build containment that I can collect and pump into a drain after watering. What are y'all...
  15. J

    Seed City - Anyone else use them??

    Gotcha, so don't send cash is learning. Thx!
  16. J

    Seed City - Anyone else use them??

    Did you send money, not money order, to make purchase and mail was lost, is that correct?
  17. J

    Seed City - Anyone else use them??

    What happened? Can you elaborate with details and timeline so we can learn from your experience?
  18. J

    UV Suppliment Lighting

    Look up Emerson effect on far red.
  19. J

    Tan/Brown spots on a few leaves?

    I actually found one on my table next to plants yesterday. Swatted it with fly swatter. Hopefully that was only one but paying attention. Gonna wait to see if I have more sign before I spray. Thanks for help!