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  1. Mshweedy

    Seed turned black

    cannabis seeds turned black, is that okay? i'm germinating them in the wet paper towel, i water again when the towel dries out and i have the bowl over it to keep the moist and temperature. got 3 autos germinating in a paper towel, one of them sprouted already and looks pretty fine, but other...
  2. Mshweedy


    hello, few months ago i had my first packet of weed which was like 8 grams and i bought it from my friend's friend's friend and it was super cheap like 100$ for 8 grams and it is weird cause weed here is not legal and you cant get 8gs for less than 200$ but this guy wasn't even dealer, he just...
  3. Mshweedy

    is this under or overwatered?

  4. Mshweedy

    LSD25 small plant

    1 month in and it's already flowering, i feel like it's too small, what do you think, is it gonna grow a bit? lmk if there is anything i can do about it and tell me your ideas about how many grams do you think i can get from this. i'm currently using LST technique,i'm also a first time grower...
  5. Mshweedy

    LSD25 small plant

    1 month in and it's already flowering, i feel like it's too small, what do you think, is it gonna grow a bit? lmk if there is anything i can do about it and tell me your ideas about how many grams do you think i can get from this. i'm currently using LST technique,i'm also a first time grower...
  6. Mshweedy

    LSD25 1 month in and plant's too small

    1 month in and it's already flowering, i feel like it's too small, what do you think, is it gonna grow a bit? lmk if there is anything i can do about it and tell me your ideas about how many grams do you think i can get from this. i'm currently using LST technique,i'm also a first time grower...
  7. Mshweedy

    LST on autos

    did i do a good job? or is it too bent :D
  8. Mshweedy


    i'm growing LSD25 AUTo 23 days old and i'm suspicious about the ventilation, i don't have any ventilation in the grow tent or even a fan, but airflows are open and there is a window 1 feet away from the grow tent. growth is also stunted so could it be the reason? i will get the ventilation...
  9. Mshweedy

    help me choose a strain :D

    i'm deciding to add another girl in my grow tent so wanted to get a good auto strain with high potency and also good yield. i was thinking about these strains: cream cookies, og kush , gorilla glue, white widow, all of them autos. which one is better? or maybe tell me your favorite strain. i'm...
  10. Mshweedy


    i'm going to give nutrients to my autos tomorrow and just wanted to know if they affect fast growth a lot. i mean will it be noticable on the second day already? also is there any point feeding root stimulator at this stage? this is what it looks like by day 19
  11. Mshweedy

    LSD25 dwarf

    LSD25 day 16 and she looks too small to me, is it gonna be dwarf? or is it fine? will root nutes help her grow? give me suggestions please :D
  12. Mshweedy

    LSD25 Seedling slow growth Help :@

    LSD25 AUTO 11 days in, it's been in the dark place for 2 days, temperature was 16 celsius,it's been a day after she started receiving 300 watt led light, before that few days ago i accidentally bent the main stem and filled it up with soil. it looks healthy to me but seems like it's growing too...
  13. Mshweedy

    LSD25 seedling slow growth

    LSD25 AUTO 11 days in, it's been in the dark place for 2 days, temperature was 16 celsius,it's been a day after she started receiving 300 watt led light, before that few days ago i accidentally bent the main stem and filled it up with soil. it looks healthy to me but seems like it's growing too...
  14. Mshweedy

    LSD25 slow growth

    LSD25 AUTO 11 days in, it's been in the dark place for 2 days, temperature was 16 celsius,it's been a day after she started receiving 300 watt led light, before that few days ago i accidentally bent the main stem and filled it up with soil. it looks healthy to me but seems like it's growing too...