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  1. blu_dream_haze

    AK Bean Brains

    TKNL5Haze F2
  2. blu_dream_haze

    AK Bean Brains

    TKNL5Haze F2 Harvest @ 77 days Smells like berries! I’ve got another TKNL5Haze about to get chopped in two weeks. Also have a Stardawg Fighter & Oaxacana x Big Skunk going that I’m hoping are female.
  3. blu_dream_haze

    AK Bean Brains

    Here’s my 8 month old Golden Showers mom I harvested last full moon (Jan 2021). She just got too big. I harvested three cuttings from this plant, and have a large cutting of her in veg still. I highly recommend Golden Showers, super stinky and great smoke!!
  4. blu_dream_haze

    AK Bean Brains

    I’ve got TKNL5Haze f2, Golden Showers, CP x Chocolope & NL1. The NL1 looks like it’s going to be a male though.
  5. blu_dream_haze

    AK Bean Brains

    Cat Piss x Chocolope Day 49
  6. blu_dream_haze

    Oregon Elite Seeds

    I’m sure everything will work out just fine. I’ve never had a problem with OES, used them several times. With the Black Friday deals they’ve had going for a while now, I’m sure they are just extra busy.
  7. blu_dream_haze

    AK Bean Brains

    I've got a TKNL5Haze & Darian Gap harvest under my belt, in the middle of the grow cycle I lost power to my house for three days. I have very little natural light in my house and there wasn't much I could do to get adequate light on the plants. Long story short, three of the other plants threw...
  8. blu_dream_haze

    Gage Green Group Seeds?

    I listened to the podcast too, and while I'm not taking any sides, when they claimed they use Jazz as an inspiration in their breeding, only to then go on and talk about how Louie Armstrong liked weed, and nothing else about jazz?!? That was such a deep question, and it got a completely...
  9. blu_dream_haze

    AK Bean Brains

    That is sad to hear about the clone, but that's awesome news about the 707!!! Thank you for sharing that!
  10. blu_dream_haze

    AK Bean Brains

    I completely agree! The best weed I've ever smoked also smelled like cat piss. At the moment I've got AK's Golden Showers, 707's Cat Piss & CSI's Cat Piss x Triangle Kush all in veg & I just bought the Hawaiian Cat Piss V3 directly from AK. I'm having so much fun hunting for that piss!
  11. blu_dream_haze

    Seed Cellar is for real

    I've ordered from them several times with no worries, true they don't give freebies but they always seem to have new strains, regarding usps, I've had packages from WA get to me in two days while states much closer to me have taken weeks, even after I hand the lady at the post office my priority...
  12. blu_dream_haze

    Swami Seeds

    I recently had a 77' Jamaican X Velvet Rush that turned out to be male unfortunately, but the stink on that plant was unreal!!! and the stem rub... wow! Really something special! Already got another one going strong, I can only imagine how stong the smell is gonna be when she flowers.
  13. blu_dream_haze

    bodhi seeds

    Bodhi Day!!!! To get myself prepared for the new list of wants, I had to complete the old list of wants. Just picked up from GLG... Aluna Red Lotus Soar Dragonsblood Hashplant V2 Healing Hashplant Lemon Lotus Mango Lotus Wookie 7 X Dread Bread I'm so excited to explore these Colombian Red...
  14. blu_dream_haze

    bodhi seeds

    Be still my beating heart...…I'll be happy with any one of those on the list but I'm going to try and grab at least 4. Without stepping on toes, does anybody know when this will drop at GLG, do drops there normally happen around the same time? I've been checking the site constantly since getting...
  15. blu_dream_haze

    JBC Seeds

    Cat Piss
  16. blu_dream_haze

    bodhi seeds

    Big Bodhi day today!! Made my first order at GLG! Was very grateful to pick up Temple of Apollo Spirit Train Thunder Wookie Strawberry Gogi Soulmate Terpenado Heavenly Hashplant Kush 4 x Snow Lotus Its funny how my decisions change over and over, all these options are terrible for my OCD.
  17. blu_dream_haze

    bodhi seeds

    A Bodhi blessing for me today, I finally scored Jabba's Stash after searching for some time. Someone sent me a link to a bank over seas that had some left, but thankfully I was able to find it in the states!!!
  18. blu_dream_haze

    Mass Medical Strains

    Glad you got it too! I wasn't sure if I was going to buy one or not but like you, I saw the numbers just drop as the seconds rolled on. Very happy with my purchase! Super excited for the Haze cross coming out next week!
  19. blu_dream_haze

    Wicked Pissah

    Unfortunately I didn't do one for the TD. It was my first time growing an auto and I'm very pleased! I'm getting ready to do another Pissah run, I'll let my wife decide which one but I'll make sure to do a journal this time.
  20. blu_dream_haze

    bodhi seeds

    Just jumped into the Bodhi boat with one of my last purchases. Sure wish I would have seen this thread before, as maybe it would have changed my choices or more likely added to them. I picked up... Cosmic Serpent Devil's HP Eternal Sunshine Lando's Stash Mango HP Sun Ra Really excited to start...