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    Ready to Harvest?

    One of them has white pistols still but the others seem to be detracting and amber. Hoping to harvest sooner rather than later because we have a heat wave coming with temps 90+. I guess investing in a magnifier might be worth it to check the trichomes
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    Ready to Harvest?

    Growing Critical Mass Autoflower. Im unsure if these are ready to harvest. Do you all think i should start harvesting based on the photos attached?
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    Is this rust?

    Growing three Auto Critical Mass plants outdoors. Last weekend, we had a lot of rain and the temps dropped pretty low over night. A few days after I came back, I was tending to my plants and one of them looked to have rust growing on a few of the leaves? Does anyone know for sure what the...
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    What are these, thrips?

    Any idea what they are?
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    What are these, thrips?

    is that the yellowish line on the plant leaf? will insecticidal soap get rid of them?
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    What are these, thrips?

    Can I use insecticidal soap during the flowering stage?
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    What are these, thrips?

    Any suggestions on how to get rid of them during the flowering stage?
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    What are these, thrips?

    Currently growing Auto Critical Mass and while I was checking on my plants, I saw 3-4 bugs on a couple of my outdoor Auto Critical Mass plants. It also looks like something is eating the leaves as well.. is there any way to tell by the look of the leaves whats eating them? I've attached some...
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    Following. This is happening to my seedlings too.
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    Young seedling with "burned" leaves?

    Did you figure out what the problem was? This is happening to my seedlings too right now. I have them outside and am worried the sun is too hot.
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    Ideas To Disguise My Plants

    both would be ideal haha
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    Ideas To Disguise My Plants

    Unfortunately, I am.
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    Ideas To Disguise My Plants

    Good call on the ducksfoot - I'll look into that next time I need to purchase more seeds. I've been looking into getting some Staghorn Sumac, Lupine or Pride of Maderia to plant in my flowerbeds and potentially put the pots in the middle. Great idea to disguise the rim of the pot - might buy...
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    Ideas To Disguise My Plants

    If I was living with my parents, I think it would be pretty obvious if I was moving 2 large pots in and out of the house lol. I'm hiding them from my neighbors. Just bought a new house and unsure what the neighbors may think so Im easing into things.
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    Ideas To Disguise My Plants

    Hey all, I have 2 autoflower plants that I've been moving from inside to outside on a daily basis to protect them from frost at night. One is in a 3 gallon pot and the other in a 5 gallon pot. Recently it hasn't been getting too cold at night so I would like to start keeping them outside 100%...
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    First Time Grower - Critical Mass Auto Growing Too Slow?

    Thanks for the response, Buzbuddah. I hope things continue to go smoothly!
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    First Time Grower - Critical Mass Auto Growing Too Slow?

    Thanks for the feedback, Pandora. I'll keep doing what I've been doing then! Very much looking forward to learning as I go during my first grow. I appreciate the response!
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    First Time Grower - Critical Mass Auto Growing Too Slow?

    Thanks for the feedback, Rangi! I'll continue to post progress photos as they grow bigger.
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    First Time Grower - Critical Mass Auto Growing Too Slow?

    This is my first time attempting to grow and at this point, just kind-of going with the flow. I ordered 10 Critical Mass Auto Seeds from I decided to start germinated 3 of the 10 seeds and all seeds were successfully germinated. I planted all seeds in FFOF soil but...