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  1. chibbs

    On average, how much do you smoke per day?

    1 gram or so, depending on whether or not I wake n bake (I usually do)
  2. chibbs

    Need a good story

    I was thinking about having my bro pull the old switcheroo before they opened it, maybe with some sort of novelty item like a baseball card. Any fallacies in that?
  3. chibbs

    Need a good story

    Good backup story, keep the ideas rolling
  4. chibbs

    Need a good story

    I guess the package was forwarded from the University to my regular address cause I got the package after school had let out for summer
  5. chibbs

    Need a good story

    OKay, just a little delima that I found out about today and I'm looking for some advice. Here's the story... It is my first year of college and I was excited to have my own address to which I could order seeds, so I ordered some in Feb. this year. However, they never arrived and I used a...
  6. chibbs

    Let's take this outside!

    I think you would be better off transplanting into the ground if you can't water it yourself. That would allow the roots to reach deep in the ground for water, those plants were looking a little dry in the pics.
  7. chibbs

    First Grow Item list!

    Paper towel method should work fine. I always drop the seeds in a cup of water until they sink and then put em in the paper towel... seems to work better for me. I don't think it matters if you put em directly in the soil, as long as you are there to check on them, and I wouldn't use those...
  8. chibbs

    First Grow Item list!

    Is this a guerilla grow or are you going to be checking on them often? This year I started my seedlings in jiffy pellets cause it was easy to move to my guerilla garden, planted in FFOF soil and let them grow. Also would advise not using nutes on the seedlings. Spacing should be 3 feet or more...
  9. chibbs

    Need a bit of help

    I'm using fox farm's ocean forest outdoors this year. Dug holes about 2 feet deep and filled em 1 bag per hole
  10. chibbs

    Planted the monsters of 09

  11. chibbs

    Tell sex by seeds?

    No. You have to either grow them out or get feminized seeds. That's the only way
  12. chibbs

    Whats with all these Anti-Pot Commercials

    It's bs. Ppl just haven't been educated about it to know what marijuana actually does to the body and brain. Plus, the government just hates it
  13. chibbs

    deers and shit.

    Careful abou that because hunters may stumble across it. Make it invisible. to the ppl on the ground
  14. chibbs

    deers and shit.

    Never mind then
  15. chibbs

    deers and shit.

    Thanks... Aristotle was a genious
  16. chibbs

    deers and shit.

    Put some fishing line around your grow area to keep the deer away. If you can, get some chicken wire and paint it brown and green and put that around the plants too to keep little animals away
  17. chibbs

    Site Prep

    Zone 5??? Oh well. What strains are you growing?
  18. chibbs

    Yea boy!!! First sack in 2 1/2 weeks!!!

    How's that new sack treating ya? I bet you're stoned out of your mind... haven't smoked in 2.5 weeks
  19. chibbs

    Watch Letterman tonight if you want to see something uncomfortable

    That's funny... He looked like a child molester. If I had to look at all the senators and pick out the corrupt bastard, I would definately pick him. I think the hair gives it away
  20. chibbs

    Whats with all these Anti-Pot Commercials

    Yeah that sheriff should try and fight some real crimes. Cops who bust ppl for pot are pussies