Need a good story


Active Member
OKay, just a little delima that I found out about today and I'm looking for some advice.

Here's the story... It is my first year of college and I was excited to have my own address to which I could order seeds, so I ordered some in Feb. this year. However, they never arrived and I used a diff. seed bank, no problems. Time passed by and now I am living in a different place for the summer.

I got a text from my mom saying that they had received a package from Britain that had been inspected by customs... they are definately not down with the idea that I grow.

So I am looking for any stories that I could tell my the rents to keep them from knowing the contents of the package.

Any words of wisdom would be much appreciated


Active Member
I guess the package was forwarded from the University to my regular address cause I got the package after school had let out for summer


Well-Known Member
Everything international goes threw customs.

I can't think of anything from britian you would want besides seeds, but just make something up.


Active Member
a friend payed you 150 to have it sent over... and you spent the money on books and shit for a school project.

BAM in the clear.


Active Member
I was thinking about having my bro pull the old switcheroo before they opened it, maybe with some sort of novelty item like a baseball card. Any fallacies in that?


Say it is for a friend that didnt have an address in the city your school is in and so you offered your address. If they ask why you used your name for the package you could just say that you and your friend were not sure if her name being on it would cause any problems so you just played it safe and used yours....good luck

Oh yeah, the idea that it is your friends will keep them from opening it too.