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  1. J

    how to uncompress it..

    dude if that *THING* is weed dont smoke it. probably dont even get you high. and i dont think you can decompress something like that.
  2. J


    wehre i<m from dealers sell pcp as mescaline. that shit is fucked up. do these trip even resemble.
  3. J

    How much did you yeild?

    so for my first grow i got just under an ounce dried from a 15 inch blueberry using 4 4ft t8 fluorescent, no ventilation and nute during flowering (Some walmart nute). I was really impress whit the result. Next grow ill be using the hempy bucket technique.
  4. J

    LR#2 Three months still not flowering!

    well i dont know maybe up have a pheno that doesnt have the autoflower property.
  5. J

    LR#2 Three months still not flowering!

    oh and before you start to flower you should repot her in a 2-3 gallon container if you want a decent yield. jessn
  6. J

    LR#2 Three months still not flowering!

    hmmmm, did you put your lighting schedule on 12 hr of light and 12 of dark. If not this is your problem, your plant will never flower if its not on a 12/12 schedule. jessn
  7. J

    finally harvested!!!!

    wow you guy pay alot for ur weed i can have a pound for 1000 buck around here (canada). And its some really good shit.
  8. J

    blueberry 6 1/2 week flowering

    She's aroud 15 inch tall.
  9. J

    blueberry 6 1/2 week flowering

    Wow thats alot of leds. Look like it work great. Nice plant
  10. J

    blueberry 6 1/2 week flowering

    So here is my baby. I started whit 3 seedling but sadly 2 of them where male. But still i had one female. So i vegged her for one month and now she id 6 and a half week in flowering. I think i did great for my first time, considering am only using 4 4ft fluo and 1 45w cfl. I took three clone...
  11. J

    Not bud but 'E' pills, Airport

    well i know poeple who pass at the airport whit a belt around there ribs (aroud 100 pills and 3 oz of bud whit no prob. They event have to stop to miami and take another plane. the only real problem is if you past on the machine that shoot air on you and then analyse it. the machine is so...
  12. J

    My 1st time grow, Questions and Suggestions?

    Your not using the good kind of light. incandesent dont have light that plant can use. And your seedling are stretch ALOT go buy some cfl.
  13. J

    Were to buy those

    Hi, Im looking to buy some of those cfl but i dont want to buy these only. So what i would like to know is were can i find those. Ive look at some big store like walt-mart rona, renonone of them have some .:cry: By the way im from canada...
  14. J

    are they ready to be flowered

    great thx alot
  15. J

    are they ready to be flowered

    Ok so first thing i want to apologize for my bad English (im French).:-? This is my first grow and im growing some blueberry strain. So my plant are now 3 week old (from seed) and about 7-8 inch tall. What i would like to know is if i can flower them right now. i would like to keep them...