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  1. J

    Yellow and brown spots, getting crusty!! Pics included

    I am trying to keep them pretty small, i am starting 12/12 tomorrow, i need to keep them under three feet... i could get a little bit bigger of pots, but will it truly hurt them if they are root bound, or will they just not grow as tall, but still bud fine? going to buy nutes and ph kit tomorrow!!
  2. J

    Yellow and brown spots, getting crusty!! Pics included

    By the way, i have been using tap water and no nutrients so far, that aren't in the dirt.
  3. J

    Yellow and brown spots, getting crusty!! Pics included

    So this is me and my buddy's first grow, we're complete nubies at this. I've been doing a decent amount of research, but it's hard with school, work, girlfriend blah blah. So i've come for help, as you can see my plants aren't looking like, i was told it could be the dirt i'm using, some...
  4. J

    RO V's carbon filtered

    living on lake superior i have the cleanest tap water in the world =] no need for anything else
  5. J

    Obama addresses the LEGALIZE question today!!

    Completely agreed. I did hear that obama is allowing gays in the military now is that true?
  6. J

    Obama addresses the LEGALIZE question today!!

    i never think we will see complete legalization, but my home state of minnesota has decriminalized it pretty much, petty misdemeanor for 1.5 ounces, in my opinion thats is a happy medium for most people and something like that should be implemented throughout the us
  7. J

    Train Wreck, Green Crack, and ???

    I loved green crack when i had some, although it really does smell strong! smelt it when my buddy was about ten feet from his car and i was inside it, its great tho. Favorite purple i had was in a little sample bag i got of nyc diesel, purple#1, and grape ape, i dono which was which but i think...
  8. J

    Your favourite artist/song to listen to baked

    Easy Star All Stars FTW!! especially dub side of the moon
  9. J

    The 12/12 From Seed Club, Show off Your Girls

    You are in the correct spot. Try bag seed the first time. If you can only get seeds you must buy I'd go cheep. Save your $ until you feel you can grow good bag weed. ^^i have one purple #1 seed i found in a bag, and about 5 i have no clue of, but i can also get clone's of trainwreck off my...
  10. J

    Hiding your harvest?

    by a blown engine, preferably a larger one like an ole 350 or something, pull the head off and pisons and rods out, stash all your bud in there, and hopefully you have a truck haha
  11. J

    The 12/12 From Seed Club, Show off Your Girls

    Sorry if this post shouldn't be in here, but i followed randy rocket and his black cat here, black cats ftw!! but back on subject, i'm plannin a 12/12 grow myself pretty soon, it will be my first grow, any suggestions on a good seed for this? and i'm planning on having only 5 feet vertically...
  12. J


    800 grams dry
  13. J

    Can I Grow A Pound of Dope in 9 Weeks?

    hey i'm a newb in here, but i'm lovin your grow man!! just one question, i see you let them drink a little bit a bunch of times a day, but how do you know how much water to put in?