Yellow and brown spots, getting crusty!! Pics included


Active Member
So this is me and my buddy's first grow, we're complete nubies at this. I've been doing a decent amount of research, but it's hard with school, work, girlfriend blah blah. So i've come for help, as you can see my plants aren't looking like, i was told it could be the dirt i'm using, some miracle grow stuff with flower food in it for upto nine weeks i believe it said. I water them once in the morning, and their about three weeks in now. I was thinking they have too much nutrients in the soil, what are your opinions?? ANYBODY'S .02 IS MUCH APPRECIATED. :bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
It's time for you to start adding nutrients, pronto!!! :-)

This is probably nitrogen and phos deficiency. Get some nutes to her and she'll be fine. Also, please don't pull a newbie move and over-fert your plants. They are young. I would go with a 1/4 strength to start out and work your way up from there. The plants will always let you know what they need.. All you have to do is pay close attention, and get in-tune with your girls. Good luck.



Well-Known Member
also, make sure your pH levels are correct. Too high or too low, and the plant won't get the nutrients it needs. It sounds like you're a soil grower, so I believe the ideal pH level for soil is 6.2... is that correct people??? I'm a hydro grower so I'm not sure. But, all you need to do is check a few threads on this site to find out for sure...



Well-Known Member
^I agree. It also looks like a calcium deficiency. I wouldn't worry about the nutes, I would worry about getting them into bigger pots. There's only a tiny bit of dirt in those cups, and those plants are getting to be a decent size and should be transplanted ASAP. If you can't, then go ahead and give them some fert until you can. You might even want to try a foliar feed to stop the damage, as the nutes absorb into the plant very quickly when you foliar feed.

Also, you might want to cut back on the watering some. I don't know how long it takes for those cups to dry out, but if they're still damp the next morning, they don't need watered yet. They should be almost completely dry before you water, and they'll thank you for it. :wink:


Active Member
I am trying to keep them pretty small, i am starting 12/12 tomorrow, i need to keep them under three feet... i could get a little bit bigger of pots, but will it truly hurt them if they are root bound, or will they just not grow as tall, but still bud fine?

going to buy nutes and ph kit tomorrow!!


Well-Known Member
that miracle grow has nutes in it, i would just let the soil get dry before you feed it again.

i wouldnt give it too much nutes.

but def always check the ph of whatever is going in your soil before it does. it could lead to worse problems down the line