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  1. T

    Does N-P-K stack?

    way to help him out. for your first question, no as long as you add 3 tbl per gallon.
  2. T

    pvc glue for aeroponics?

    yea i was syarting to think the same thing. well i have 100% siliocone at my house do yall think that will work?
  3. T

    pvc glue for aeroponics?

    Alright. I was just worried it would be toxic
  4. T

    pvc glue for aeroponics?

    what type of glue should i use for the pvc on my homemade aeroponcds system?
  5. T

    Heres a grow room ive been working on, tell me what you think.

    good luck with thAT ballasts. mine blew 3 bulbs in a 5 week period before it finally went out. they have a two year warranty on them though so i just gotta call em
  6. T

    400WAT, Risky?

    I ushouldnt have any problems with the 400. I have a 1000 hps in my closet and it only raised my electric like 45. The general rule of thumb is u can add an extra 1000 watts for every bedroom u have.
  7. T

    htg supply ?

    I got a 600 halide from them off there eBay store. It came with batwing, bulb, socket, digital ballast, and yoyos for 200. It runs quiet and cool
  8. T

    How often to add nutes with water farm?

    Should have researched more before posting. I was to hot and not enough nutes. Thanks anyway
  9. T

    How often to add nutes with water farm?

    It's hydro man. I didn't think I was adding enough nutes.
  10. T

    How often to add nutes with water farm?

    4 weeks ago I recieved 2 7 foot tall year old master kush plants. With two waterfarms and a 1000 watt hps light. As soon as I got them I put them straight into flower. Then did fine for the first two weeks then some leaves started to turn yellow then die and within the past 4 days the tips of...