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  1. budzone4u2

    Growing around...parents!

    Nice thread. I would start a new discussion. What will we do when we get parents of 16-18 years old children? Will we help them grow and steal the buds?:D After all growing plants could get a very very delicious hobby, but more or less unlawful. I remember when i've started smoking tabacco. Both...
  2. budzone4u2

    Why are my plants showing sex

    if you'd kindly post some pictures of what you think is flowering signs we might even help you. How old are your babies?
  3. budzone4u2


    yes, well let me try and explain it. The seeds have no pre-done sexing (unless feminised in which case they use giberrelic acid). Weed chose sex based on natural conditions (indoor it means conditions you give it). That means - heat, light, water, nutes, parasites, transplanting, root bounding...
  4. budzone4u2

    Day 31 of Veg CFL

    yes, it looks healthy - tho i see two leafs having some problem (white flies or too close to a fan). I'd go for 12/12 indeed. It looks small but at 30 days into vegging she's quite mature and ready for the next stage. Even if she'll grow larger it won't really help. Good luck and hope that the...
  5. budzone4u2

    Please answer just wondering

    to be honest i have no ideea what's coming for me in the next 20-30 days but right now i have about 12 girls flowering in the 30th day of flowering and no smell....yet. So help them God:))
  6. budzone4u2

    Odd KUSH.. Hermie, Hermies, Hermaphrodite WTF WTF WTF HELP PLEASE!!!!

    looks like girls, champ, don't worry. Anyway - keep a close eye on them. It's no problem if you give them a few more days in order to make up their minds and show better signs of sex. Still, from what i've seen those are girls, no doubt about it.
  7. budzone4u2

    plants starting to bud under 24 hr lighting

    Actually, Nathst8, as written above there are only 3 possibilities. 1. It's not flowering but maybe sex showing or even less, new leafs sites. 2. You have autoflowering (God i wish i had some) in which case you'll have your buds in 45 days no matter what you do and 3. You've messed up badly with...
  8. budzone4u2

    First Ever Grow

    babies looks ok. Don't know if you need to re-pot them as the pots seems quite ok. Watch for overwatering (picture three shows a bit of over watering) and also watch the nutes - picture 1 has a strange yellowish leaf. Are those two your only light bulbs? If so try buying 2-3 more and yes, read...
  9. budzone4u2

    first grow help please please just this one time!!!..

    Damn FaceMelter is sooo right:( This baby is suffering. Most likely from overwatering, but watching the leaves turning somehow inside might be a bit of nutburn aswell.. You've said in your first post that you have 10 sprouts. DO NOT throw the 3 that you think are too many but instead see...
  10. budzone4u2

    major sick plant. never seem this before help plz

    Doesn't seem you've got much of a help this time either:(. I have the same problem with one of my 12 girls. It all started from root bound. First it was my most beautiful girl and in less than one week leafs turned brown and dried. Tried washing it with only tap water... nothing. Increased...
  11. budzone4u2

    how do u tell difference between male and female plants and when do u seperate them?

    You haven't rushed. 5 weeks in veggie is a decent time. Seems you've got it all good in there. Good luck with your girls:)
  12. budzone4u2

    12 days of 12/12..male? female? or too early?

    sorry Down2Grow.... male allright:(
  13. budzone4u2

    gah knocked over cup = broken stem!!

    it will heal itself. Only problem would be the stress... from what i've seen so far, my babies are way genetically smarter than my cat and have a far better long term memory so you risk praying for a male:( Best wishes anyway and good luck
  14. budzone4u2

    Need Help New Grower..

    Hey Guys, I'm a New Grower Is my Plant look good? It just 7 days about 1 1/2 Tall.. I'm not putting any light on it yet. Should I? i got 105 Watts fluorescent. I got a few Question Wonder you guy help me answer. 1. What does it Mean to veggie? = VEGETATION PERIOD - the time the plant uses to...
  15. budzone4u2

    Confused about the sex, First grow

    Sorry mate. First one is a definite male. Second one i can't see. Third picture tells us something is not good. You've said they are 1 month old under a 400W HPS. Something got those babies very stressed as the third one looks quite ill. Besides... what's your reason for growing 12/12 from seed...
  16. budzone4u2

    Hey All new Grower looking for Advice

    got some beautiful set in there:) If i'd had something that well organised i'd use some good genetics. It's a pitty to grow seeds from a bag. I see you haven't done any topping to the ladies... maybe it would of been a good ideea to cutt them a bit in order to make them a bit bushier. But damn...
  17. budzone4u2

    Free Seeds

    beautiful girls you've got there. Most likely they are indica (wide leafs) or mostly indica mixes. enjoy them:)
  18. budzone4u2

    12/12 from the begining?

    Just needed to brag a bit and to show you guys what just happened in my garden in about 8 days from the last post. Today i've made a bit of cleaning. 8 days ago i had 16 bigger plants and 6 small northern light that i feared for. Now i am absolutely positive i have 2 males (killed already) and 5...
  19. budzone4u2

    Male or Hermi?... PICS

    u could try do hash out of the male but only if you have the bad luck of having at least two and if you think power consumption an time worth about 2-5g of hash
  20. budzone4u2

    When to flower for 2' 9" of vertical space?

    Thank you BTT for starting this thread and for not getting angry on me for using it for a stupid question. (To give you my answer to your 8'' question - yes, you may get them to 12/12 without fear.) Today is a week since i've turned my plants to 12/12. In the beginning there were like 16 plants...