

Active Member
Ive heard people mention that my plants could be stressed...Im just curious what could be some causes of stressing plants?


Active Member
Heat, cold, transplanting, under/over watering, pests, ph... Pretty much not perfect conditions cause stress. Why are they telling you they're stressed??


Active Member
I was Asking About The Percentage Of Seeds Being Male Vs. Female & Someone Said They Could Turn Males If Stressed Or Some Shit, Confused The Hell Outta Me Thats Why I Made This Post.


Active Member
yes, well let me try and explain it. The seeds have no pre-done sexing (unless feminised in which case they use giberrelic acid). Weed chose sex based on natural conditions (indoor it means conditions you give it). That means - heat, light, water, nutes, parasites, transplanting, root bounding, salt and pH lvl... pretty much everything. If you give them PERFECT conditions by the time you switch to 12/12 you'll have a percentage of let's say 90% females, 10% males. If you stress them by not giving the right conditions that percentage drops to let's say 10% females and 90% males.
On the other hand, if you stress TOO much a plant from a feminised seed, you simply CAN'T get a male because that genetic information was practically deleted by the giberrelic acid, but instead you'll get useless hermaphrodites.
So basic rule would be - try and seed the plant in it's final pot (avoid transplanting) give it a steady humidity and heat lvl, enough light, proper light time (don't play too much changing from 24/24 to 18/6 to 14/10 and then back to 20/4), make a watering schedule and adapt it to the plant needs and you'll be surprised of the female/male ratio;)
Good luck


Active Member
In my Case Ill Be Growing Outdoors so the heat & light will be up to the weather, but ill have my babies in perfect spots to get maximum sunlight...also ill probably end up transplanting once, hopefully it wont be a problem...thanks for the info ive got a good idea now..