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  1. 2footbuds

    Can you help?Bubble hash (ice water extract)

    WTF? can someone please translate?
  2. 2footbuds

    Yeild ???

    hell maybe even more.. i couldnt take an educated guess because i dont have that nice climate.
  3. 2footbuds

    Yeild ???

    I'd say a pound all together. they look sativa so let them go until basically october.
  4. 2footbuds

    I'm back into the business...

    yes i am. and i feel ashamed. but i help with bills and work part time and am a full time student.. i think theyd understand if they found out. theyd just make me trash everything. :(
  5. 2footbuds

    I'm back into the business...

    i have 2 fans. just not pictured. hahaha. the plants are at the bottom of an attic stairwell that nobody goes into. i have one fan blowing air down on them, and one fan pulling air up. i need cooler weather cause it gets to about 90 up there, but the temps havent caused any problems yet. i like...
  6. 2footbuds

    How do I make a hardwired light fixture work as a plug-in?

    most electrical cords can handle 660 watts draw and 13 amps. this is the standard i see. just get a medium base desk lamp, and buy 10 y splitters from wal mart. simple as that. cfl's draw very very little power.
  7. 2footbuds

    I'm back into the business...

    so it's been awhile now. i gave up growing due to suspicion my parents had awhile back. and after 18 months, i've decided to give it another run. im 15 days in right now, no nutes or ferts yet. just plain old filtered tap water. they're in a mixture of 1.5 cu. ft. MG garden soil, 8 dry qt...
  8. 2footbuds

    Is this a Female??

    oh, and not sure what your talking about not being able to get seeds. if it existed in nature, it had its own way of creating offspring without human intervention. maybe they meant you cant get seeds in bags, because most bags of exotic weeds will be sensimilla.
  9. 2footbuds

    Is this a Female??

    you can clone it, just revert the clones back to veg or you will only pull 2-3 grams maximum off each. oh and yes, female it is.
  10. 2footbuds

    please help me out, are these balls? im on a 17/7 light sched. with pics

    okay, i missed this. id still throw in some more cfls. maybe get a high output one from the security lighting section. you can get a 65 watt cfl for 23 bucks. i know a little pricey, but a stronger light up top would help.
  11. 2footbuds

    please help me out, are these balls? im on a 17/7 light sched. with pics

    icebox7420, if thats the only light you have go to wal mart right now, and buy as many cfl's as you can. that is not enough light on the plant. it looks more on the sativa side except for the short height, but other than that it looks healthy. throw some more lighting at it!!
  12. 2footbuds

    These aren't considered stretched right?

    they dont seem stretched at all. wait until the 6th or 7th node minimum before cutting or tying anything.
  13. 2footbuds

    Heat Issues with My Closet Tent Grow

    i would say that 90 is perfectly fine for veg. maybe supplement in some co2 if possible. people say 70-80 is ideal, but at 85-90 with enough light, enough water and enough co2, this is the temperature range where photosynthesis is most rapidly taking place. build your own yeast co2 generator for...
  14. 2footbuds

    Week 3 veg and yellowing leaves and brown spots pics

    your link took me to flikr's home page. and sounds to me like you water to frequently. keep the soil on the dry side, and raise the light up 4 more inches. id give a nice flush and cool it with the nutes for a little. it could be a deficiency, but if you feed too much you could cause lock out...
  15. 2footbuds

    she can handle full dose, give her more??

    i would only do half teaspoon per gallon once every 2 weeks. i dont know, i like to go light on the nutes.
  16. 2footbuds

    ballast about got me busted

    best to keep the grow equipment running in my opinion. get some tomatoes or sweet peppers in there instead though. if you get busted, this would be the explanation to any suspicion they may already have. if they ask why you lied to the cable guy then you can just say you value your privacy.
  17. 2footbuds

    Hundreds of dollars, and tens of hours of back breaking work in.. NEED HELP.

    why dont you just have a small grow in a closet? this is madness.
  18. 2footbuds

    am i light weight or is it just placebo

    i used to smoke at least 5 grams a day. then i quit to apply for some jobs, i was 16 then, now im 18, and a nick gets me pretty damn high. i only smoke once a week and its sweet diesel sensimmilla.. (did i spell that right?)
  19. 2footbuds

    Could You Survive A Zombie Outbreak?

    hmmmmm... well the first thing id do is rob the gun store thats within walking distance, then gather all my friends and camp out inside wal mart with guns drawn, ready to shoot on sight. then id roll a spliff and be on with my life.
  20. 2footbuds

    3 Word Story

    kush xo is taking the whole damn story. he fucked up my post!!!