am i light weight or is it just placebo


Active Member
honestly i can smoke a quarter of a gram and get high. i dont know i really light weight or is it just a placebo effect? The most ive ever smoked was 5 grams of kush and i was blown, but i can smoke such little amounts and get knocked on my ass for a couple of hours.

maybe its because im skinny? idk
also i only smoke on weekends so i dont have too much of a tolerance.


Well-Known Member
hehe congrats on the buzz! Its quite possible your just smoking killer bud and have very little tolerance.



Active Member
Haha, ive been smoking about 5 years, and can still get fucked off half a gram. Pity I dont know when to stop :D:D
Nah but serious tho, people make fun of it, I love it. Get high as shit, and make it last :D


Active Member
My friend's boyfriend aswell gets high within a couple of hits. a few months ago, she and him came over with some ok buds... I couldn't tell too much what type of strain they had but from the high it kinda felt like indica. So anyway, I asked my friends bf where he got this... he said from a friend of a friend so am pretty sure they sold him some dank. I told him it was crap, but from the looks of it he looked pretty blazed out lol.. so I decided to take some white widow that I had just harvested and finnished curing and broke out the bong, I litt the bowl and there he went, he took a huge hit. BIG MISTAKE after a few minutes he had a panic attack, we put him in the shower with COLD water but it didn't do any good, he kept crying (not literally) that he couldn't breath.. after 2 hours or so he came down... lol .............. talk about light weight.


Well-Known Member
i think it's just ny i used to smoke a zip in a few days..i'd smoke 1.5-3.5 gram blunts, i'd smoke 10-15 of those a day. more than i smoke bogies..

now, i smoke a bowl with 0.1-0.2g's and i get fuckin blazed as shit...i love it because i can save my shit..i can still smoke a 1.5 blunt to the face but i'd be fucking flying


I'm def. a light weight, as a teen, and started up again with "blue dream", a few hits and I'm stoned pretty good, been stoned all day today.


Active Member
i used to smoke at least 5 grams a day. then i quit to apply for some jobs, i was 16 then, now im 18, and a nick gets me pretty damn high. i only smoke once a week and its sweet diesel sensimmilla.. (did i spell that right?)


Active Member
My friend's boyfriend aswell gets high within a couple of hits. a few months ago, she and him came over with some ok buds... I couldn't tell too much what type of strain they had but from the high it kinda felt like indica. So anyway, I asked my friends bf where he got this... he said from a friend of a friend so am pretty sure they sold him some dank. I told him it was crap, but from the looks of it he looked pretty blazed out lol.. so I decided to take some white widow that I had just harvested and finnished curing and broke out the bong, I litt the bowl and there he went, he took a huge hit. BIG MISTAKE after a few minutes he had a panic attack, we put him in the shower with COLD water but it didn't do any good, he kept crying (not literally) that he couldn't breath.. after 2 hours or so he came down... lol .............. talk about light weight.
Ha that's funny stuff. Just thinking about how he felt about everything the next day or whatever.
I was at a buddy's house a while ago and this young kid came over and wanted to smoke. It wasn't even that great of stuff but I broke out the bong and after a couple hits he starts flipping. Grabbing his chest saying he's having a heart attack and spitting all over my buddies floor saying he's spitting up blood. Everybody else got all concerned, all I could do was laugh. I knew he'd come down and be fine so I just sat and enjoyed the show. He even tried to convince people we laced it with something so he could try to save face the next day.


Active Member
i been smoking for quite a while, and the good stuff i normally get, gets me high as fuck after about 4 or 5 hits. the average stuff i sometimes get, takes me a little more, or doesn't get me quite as high.

sounds reasonably normal to me.


Well-Known Member
.3-.5 is what I usually smoke. I'd rather be smoking 1-2g everytime I blaze (or vape) which would end up to about 5-10gs a day, but that's too much for a non grower who doesn't want to spend 1k dollars a month on pot.


Active Member
Ha that's funny stuff. Just thinking about how he felt about everything the next day or whatever.
I was at a buddy's house a while ago and this young kid came over and wanted to smoke. It wasn't even that great of stuff but I broke out the bong and after a couple hits he starts flipping. Grabbing his chest saying he's having a heart attack and spitting all over my buddies floor saying he's spitting up blood. Everybody else got all concerned, all I could do was laugh. I knew he'd come down and be fine so I just sat and enjoyed the show. He even tried to convince people we laced it with something so he could try to save face the next day.
Yes, they have to ease into smoking, not jump in and start smoking like the pro's. :)


Active Member
I smoke daily, hourly, and I have since I was a kid. A 0.5 get's me right fucked.
I smoke poppers though.


Active Member
You're definitely a light weight man, but thats totally chill as long as you control your shit. I know people who have smoked heavily for 5-10 years and still only need a couple hits to fly high as hell, nothing to be embarrassed about imo. If I could get redic high off just a bowl I would be able to save much more bud and what not. I would say since you only smoke on the weekends your tolerance will stay fairly low, because during the week you get a 5 day t break