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  1. weedling for life

    Cloning straight into soil

    haha you dont have to be that particular to get clones to root, that just helps them do it faster. how tall are your cuttings usually hydro and breakneck?
  2. weedling for life

    Cloning straight into soil

    i just took a clone and put it directly into soil without hormone. i originally took the clone ten days ago, left it in a cup of water and no roots started. the clone was healthy though, so tonight i cut it in half and put the top half into a home made compost soil. Im trying it as an expirement...
  3. weedling for life

    Need help, FIRST FROST TONIGHT!?!

    So i am freaking out because i have just heard that tonight could be the first frost!! fuck, its still supposed to be summer. the temp is like 50 and dropping. SO i guess im wondering, how bad is the frost? the plant is just starting to flower. i think this will be an isolated incident of...
  4. weedling for life

    Who is she and How long!? Closeup Pics!

    That looks like its got some massive and dank buds! I would wait to harvest though, looks like less than 20 % of your hairs are brown. have you looked at the trichomes with a magnifying glass? that would be the easiest way to decide if its done. i know its tempting to chop asap but i think a...
  5. weedling for life

    Fobidden fruit

    hahaha yo thats the funniest post ive ever seen! i made hash with my two males today and i had the urge to eat a leaf. i tasted it. it tasted very good but i decided to save the leaves to wrap blunts. but hey whatever floats your boat! haha
  6. weedling for life

    1st grow... when will they flower?

    so i made iso hash with my friend today, we used an eigth of shake and the leaves/buds from two my males! the live leaves made it green but i cant wait to try it. we got a little more than half a gram.
  7. weedling for life

    cloning without root hormone?

    yeah i rigged up a humidity dome out of a milk gallon jug and attatched the mouth of the jug to a glass full of water. seems to be working so far, no roots but the leaves are all perky and the clone seems happy. time will tell!
  8. weedling for life

    clones clones clones

    hahaha so that was your first post huh? kinda looks like the angry guy with all the "great advice" from earlier in this thread made a new name so he could spit some more false wisdom. the plants a weed man, there is practically no wrong way to take care of it or clone it, etc. i took my first...
  9. weedling for life


    yo turn off your power and go diving for those babies! nothing could keep me from my plant!
  10. weedling for life


    That really sucks man, i feel your pain. Did you lose any plants? maybe if your lights are fucked you could throw the plants outdoors for a bit. I have plants outdoors and i complained about rain all june but since then the weather has been beautiful. Good luck!
  11. weedling for life

    cloning without root hormone?

    thats awesome, you just threw the cuttings into water and let them go? thats what i did, i hope it only takes 10 days that seems pretty quick i was expecting at least a couple weeks. thanks for the info
  12. weedling for life

    how long to flowering?

    A pic of the plant would help, it depends on the size. You can switch to flowering whenever you want, the longer you wait the more of a foundation for buds to be built on= more weed.
  13. weedling for life

    cloning without root hormone?

    So i used the method you described That 5hit, it went well. i took a shoot from the bottom of the plant, peeled off the leaves closest to the cut, and cut the fan leaves in half. I then cut a gallon milk jug and cut it down the side, slid the whole clone in with the shoot coming out the mouth...
  14. weedling for life

    1st grow... when will they flower?

    Good news bad news time. The bad news: i had two males. The good news: i have one female. the males have been removed and are awaiting termination (can they be used to make hash?) The female is the plant from the fourth picture, lots of purple stems and pistils! looking forward to watching her...
  15. weedling for life

    can anyone identify my strain

    they dont look too stretched to me, id say those buds will fill out real nicely with another month of flowering. it almost looks like some kind of white widow strain? the leaves around the buds are soo white it looks a bit like some WW to me. impossible to really tell though, no matter what they...
  16. weedling for life

    My 3 girls w/ PICS - help diagnose problem please

    i have a plant that size and if i dont give it at least a gallon every 1-2 days it gets too dry. they only look like that when they really need water. Id say its a combo of not enough water (did you increase the amount of water youve been giving them as they got bigger?) and the high heat. that...
  17. weedling for life

    cloning without root hormone? that video is quite helpful
  18. weedling for life

    cloning without root hormone?

    awesome im gonna trim one off tomorrow then. any idea how long it would take a clone to root without hormones? probably considerably longer?
  19. weedling for life

    cloning without root hormone?

    I have a plant thats just finishing vegging and i want to take a clone, i did some research but i still have two questions. First, is it possible to root a healthy clone without root growth stimulant gel/powder? Second: can you root a clone in soil or is rockwool/perlite way easier? Any imput...
  20. weedling for life

    1st grow... when will they flower?

    Forgot to add this pic of the garden... can you find all three plants? haha they are camouflaged