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  1. Muneeee

    Scared shitless

    Well it's 3 a.m. here and can't sleep. Just wish it was over all ready. Thanks everbody, I'll let you know how it goes.
  2. Muneeee

    Medical Marijuana User Denied Liver Transplant

    I think the other thing that pisses me off with the VA is that they did the drug tests without my permission. Don't get me wrong anytime I have ever been to VA they have always treated me better than any other hospital I have ever been to. The only problem has been the pot smoking and the...
  3. Muneeee

    Scared shitless

    Tomorrow I have open bypass gastric surgery and at this point I'am terrified out of my mind. I'am sure everything will be fine but this is the first time I've ever had anything done surgically. So, if you guys would, please say a prayer for me and keep me in your thoughts...
  4. Muneeee

    tia stick?

    Thai stick was really popular in the 70's. It was awesome back in the day.
  5. Muneeee

    would you look at these kitties

    Cats are cool.
  6. Muneeee

    Medical Marijuana User Denied Liver Transplant

    You may not be aware of this either, as a disabled vet who is in pain 24/7 the VA refuses to give me any type narcotic drug to help with the pain as long as I test positive with thc in my system. I do not like the feeling I get when I use hydrocodone or codene so I prefer pot for my pain...
  7. Muneeee

    Weed and Airport security

    I just came back from Jamaica and found airport security a joke. I was expecting drug dogs and the whole nine yards. Not a dog in sight or anything that would detect drugs, not to say they didn't have a dog go over checked baggage while it was enroute to the plane. But if a person wanted to...
  8. Muneeee

    They wont sprout:-(

    You may have killed them with the superthrive. I would have waited awhile before I added anything other than water.
  9. Muneeee


    Thank you iblazethatkush.
  10. Muneeee

    going to court on the 28th help! any lawyers?

    If you've never been arrested before and have no record, your story may fly. BUT if you do have a record, my guess is your in deep shit.
  11. Muneeee

    Does anyone remember the 90's?

    Anyone remember the 70'S? Now that was when all the cool shit was happening. Thai Stick weed, now that shit would kick your ass. Anyone remember Pong?
  12. Muneeee

    THE pot game

    egypt -----
  13. Muneeee

    Phoenix Lights... again?!

    As a follow up to the story, it was reported a guy had tied flares to helium balloons and set them loose causing the lights in the sky.
  14. Muneeee

    The Man Who Would Be Bush

    I totally agree, I don't understand how anyone could vote republican after the Bush fiasco, especially when he just comes right out and says he will follow Bush's current policies. I JUST DON'T GET IT!
  15. Muneeee


    So here's my next question? Would anyone support a Obama - Clinton Ticket?
  16. Muneeee


    Yeah I guess you are. lmfao
  17. Muneeee


    Natrone23. How dare you attack my patriotism. I am a disabled vet who has defended this country and yes I do wear a pin.
  18. Muneeee


    I knew I would open a can of worms when I posted this thread and I can take the heat. Your right I've never voted before this election because to me it really didn't matter to me who was president. Now it does matter because of the last 8 years of turmoil in this country. I've never...
  19. Muneeee


    I didn't say I don't like the man, just the thing with the flag bothers me.
  20. Muneeee


    For some reason it bothers me that a man who is running for office in this great country of ours refuses to wear a flag pin. It's means alot to the men and women of this country who have served and protected this country for centuries. I happen to be one of those who have served and take it...