Phoenix Lights... again?!


Well-Known Member
i heard the Phoenix Lights showed up again... again.... a second... time.

any Arizonans see these last night? were they similar to the lights seen 2-3 years ago?


Well-Known Member
...what? I live in PHX and I have no idea what you're talking about :confused:

EDIT: ohhh the UFO I didn't see 'em :D


Well-Known Member
yea they showed up again, 4 of them, at around 8pm last night for like 15 minutes. thousands of people saw em

the air traffic people said there was no aircrafts in that area at the time and the government said they have no idea what it was.

usually the gov tries to cover it up with "flares" or "gas" or some crap like that lol


Well-Known Member
give it a day or two then the government will put out their disinformation. just like roswell at first they said it was a ship that crashed then they covered it up. but maybe they wanted people to think they had recovered an alien craft that way people didn't catch on to the secret military weapons they were testing.


man... just another reason why PHEONIX SUCKS...

got extra terrestrials all up in yer ass... hhahahahaha

... 'least we here in toostoned god davis monthon afb to keep us protected from the boogie men =p=p


Well-Known Member
them aliens need to come down and get smoked out with some fine kush
they would love us forever :mrgreen:

kronicsmurf is right though, keep the people distracted with the aliens idea so they don't think it's military.

on a more serious note, i want to smoke out aliens. :peace:


Active Member
As a follow up to the story, it was reported a guy had tied flares to helium balloons and set them loose causing the lights in the sky.