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  1. wietzaadje

    canna terra grow advice

    it's 5ml per liter.
  2. wietzaadje

    canna feeds advice

    CANNA UK - UK Terra Info Usage you use them seperate.
  3. wietzaadje

    The 3 Cheeze

    Are those blue cheese feminized ? Good luck with your grow, could be a smelly one.
  4. wietzaadje

    Calling All Canna Terra Users!!!

    try this: CANNA UK - UK Terra Info Usage
  5. wietzaadje

    Buying Seeds online, and recommending a strain for a beginner

    Try I was very impressed with killing fields, k.o. kush and herijuana (and his freebees).
  6. wietzaadje

    3 day old seedlings

    Do you have any ventilation/moving air in there ?
  7. wietzaadje

    Anyone tried the Sweet Purple

    I had two sweet purples three years ago. It is a very fast growing plant, had no mould. Only the taste is kind of bland and the potency low. I will not grow this again.
  8. wietzaadje

    Pics of my plants. R they ok?

    Yes, add some soil. If you don't want to seperate them bend each one to the side (LST). That way they both get the max amount of sunlight. If you're carefull you can still seperate them though at this age, it will only stunt their growth a little.
  9. wietzaadje

    New grower having trouble.

    For sure they need nutes. But my guess is that your main problem is you're keeping your soil too wet. which is causing a lockout of magnesium. Let them go dry a little and give them some nutes which contains all the macro and micro elements.
  10. wietzaadje

    2 week old plant leaves turning brown...

    If you're not overwatering the miracle grow is probably too strong (nutes) for seedlings. Lots of people are burning their seedlings with the miracle grow slow release.
  11. wietzaadje

    New grower having trouble.

    I think you are giving them too much water ? do you let your top soil dry a few inch before watering again ? Do you know the ph of your water ?
  12. wietzaadje

    growing outdoors

    No it was not. To promote branch growth you either LST or top your plants. The fan leaves you cut of are helping the nodes to grow branches. The only time you want to remove fanleaves is for controling pests or funghi.
  13. wietzaadje

    Sannie Seed Shop...

    Yes they will... Good service and very good strains. Check out for some reviews of his strains. I'm growing the herijuana this year outdoor. Sannie is a good guy and he always takes time to answer any question on different forums. You also get bacto, pitpots and freebees with every...
  14. wietzaadje

    How do they look? (Pics Inside)

    It's no nute burn or lack of co2. It's leafminer (Liriomyza) damage. they look healthy.
  15. wietzaadje

    what do i need to do

    You're probably overfeeding it. Hard to tell without a picture.
  16. wietzaadje

    New Nute Solution

    I think 20-15-20 is the same as 4-3-4. Don't use more than recommended.
  17. wietzaadje

    Grow Tents
  18. wietzaadje

    So whats your 2008 strain?

    Herijuana, Killer Queen and Sadhu
  19. wietzaadje

    another noob question, damn i feel like an idiot

    you only want to flush you soil if you made some mistake with your nutrients. Also the term flushing your soil is used for only giving your plants plain water(ph adjusted) with no nutrients so she can finish up most nutrients left in the soil. But this is the same amount of water you would give...
  20. wietzaadje

    My female used to be perfect...

    How did you transpant it ? Did you give it enough water ? Sometimes transplanted plants can go through a little shock. Don't put it in full sunlight fo a day or two and I'm sure it will perk up.