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  1. S

    Revegitate? Help!

    I considered that, but I am growing for personal use. I have a decent bag of random seeds, and since I can only do 2-3 plants at a time, 15 seeds can get me through a year. I figured I was better off to get some off one plant, then to get a bunch of seeds and nothing that I can really use. I...
  2. S

    Revegitate? Help!

    OK, I have done two so-so grows with bubbleponics. Not huge yields, but not bad considering I almost killed them both times, while learning by doing. I'm getting this down, but I got myself kinda screwed now. My last grows were short autoflowers because I wanted easy and have limited room and...
  3. S

    Autoflower Question

    Sorry if this is already out there, but I can't seem to find it..... When growing an autoflower (Short Rider) in Bubbleponics, when is the best time to change from Grow to Bloom nutrients? Do you switch at the first sign of flowering, at the time you expect flowering, or wait for awhile...
  4. S

    Best Strain

    You can clone a autoflowering strain, as long as it is done in the veg. state. But, in most cases it will finish at the same time as the mother it was taken from because the lifespan is genetically pre-determined. Because of that, size and yield will both be small.
  5. S

    Best Strain

    That is why I am going to get feminized seeds, no males. Thanks.
  6. S

    Best Strain

    I'm surprised to hear that, I have only seen good reviews of the lowryder strains. I guess I'll have to do more reading...
  7. S

    Best Strain

    I am going to grow in a Bubbleponics system. The last decision I have to make is what seeds to get. Any suggestions on the best choice? From my reading, I'm going to get feminized seeds. Looking for low growing, easier for beginners, and faster harvest time. I am thinking about Lowryder...
  8. S

    Total Confusion

    Thanks for the information. After looking into lighting and the other stuff mentioned, I decided to take the easy way out and order a Bubbleponics kit. Probably cost me a little more, but it seems like it will be easier for a total newbie.
  9. S

    Total Confusion

    I imagine I might. :mrgreen:
  10. S

    Total Confusion

    Not at all, I was looking at bulbs. I have a bunch of those and I was figuring out what I had. I appreciate the information.
  11. S

    Total Confusion

    OK, thanks. I think I will head that direction. If I basically have 12 square feet because i can adjust height, I should try to put 10 1750 lumens bulbs in that area? And I want a autoflower strain, obviously short...any recommendations?
  12. S

    Total Confusion

    Strictly personal use.
  13. S

    Total Confusion

    Thanks, that gives me a start!
  14. S

    Total Confusion

    Because the more I read, the more confused I get. Everyone talks about different kinds of lights, I can't hardly keep straight what lights are what. Might be simple questions for you brother, but not for someone who knows absolutly nothing. Seemed like a good place to ask. Enjoy your high.
  15. S

    Total Confusion

    Hi Everyone, I promise you I'm not being lazy, and I have read post after post trying to figure this stuff out. I'm hoping you can steer me in the right direction. The more I read, the more I am confused... different kinds of lights, watts, nutrients, fans, filters, oh my lord.... First...