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  1. dgittings

    Health Care Poll - Where Do You Stand?

    Opposed, our government doesn't seem to have a very good track record with with the programs that they get their hands on. Medicare, medicade and social security are all basically huge ponzi schemes that will implode in the near future. Why does anyone think that our government will do better...
  2. dgittings

    Obama's Certificate of Live Birth...

    I'm with Cracker on this. From what I understand, according to Obama's sister and grandmother, is that Obama's mom wanted to have her baby in Hawaii but was considered to close to her delivery and wasn't allowed to fly. She had baby in Kenya then flew to Hawaii and applied for a certificate of...
  3. dgittings

    Obama's Certificate of Live Birth...

    Yes other presidents have sealed to tried to seal presidental papers. For instance President Nixon. Didn't work out so well for him. As I see it, your job is in the publics eye. Your the President of the United States for christs sake. If a student wants to write a study on the thesis the...
  4. dgittings

    Obama's Certificate of Live Birth...

    I thought this was a discussion about Obama's citizenship. I guess I'm not so much concerned about his BC, as I am with the question as to why he would seal all his papers and school records. Don't people study and write bios of the president. Why would he seal them. And about health care, ask...
  5. dgittings

    Oh Goodie! ... More on 911 (inside job) :)

    I don't know if anyone mentioned a video called 'core of corruption'. After watching video it's almost too much to think that the government didn't have anytheing to do with it. If you still believe that our govt is for the people watch this video, really.
  6. dgittings

    census bureau gps front door

    OK fdd2blk, I see you have all the answers. The town I live does not deliver the mail to houses. We all have PO boxes. The way I see it, they don't need to gps our front doors if they are sending out census in mail.
  7. dgittings

    census bureau gps front door

    census isn't till next year. census done thru mail. Why gps my front door. Why are these people working for Acorn.
  8. dgittings

    census bureau gps front door

    So the other day a car pulls up to my home. A woman gets out and comes to my door. She is a worker for the census bureau and needs to gps my front door. Why does census need to gps my front door? She only asked if there were any other dwellings where people might live in on the property. No...
  9. dgittings

    National Slavery Bill

    It's time for a new revolution.
  10. dgittings

    National Slavery Bill

    People are getting sick of this. Do a search on the up coming tea parties. They are being planned all over the country.
  11. dgittings

    Obamanomics... holy bat sh*t

    can i post or what
  12. dgittings

    Israel and the ignored UN Resolutions

    I haven't noticed anyone discussing on the subject of israeli's use of white phosphorus shells over Gaza cities. These are WMD's being used over streets with no regard of who they kill. I call that MURDER.
  13. dgittings

    The Corporate States of America

    Stalebisquit, do you realize that in order for a privately owned prison to make a profit, they need to be filled to capacity. Their owned by a corparation, corparations need to make a profit to stay in business. Theres counties in Texas that put nonviolent criminals in these prisons at crazy...
  14. dgittings

    Fox News ON YOUR SIDE!

    Hey Doc, Baaa, Baaa, Baaa. Get it.kiss-ass
  15. dgittings

    Perpetual medical grow

    Thanks for the comments. I harvest about four ounces every two weeks. Yes I always have smoke.
  16. dgittings

    Perpetual medical grow

    First time starting a thread. I wanted to show how I've been harvesting a plant every two weeks and still follow the guidelines of my medical card. By law I'm able to grow a total of nine plants and only two can be mature. So I set up my grow room to have four plants in veg and four plants in...