census bureau gps front door


Active Member
So the other day a car pulls up to my home. A woman gets out and comes to my door. She is a worker for the census bureau and needs to gps my front door. Why does census need to gps my front door? She only asked if there were any other dwellings where people might live in on the property. No questions about how many people lived here, just gps mapping that's it. WTF???


Active Member
census isn't till next year. census done thru mail. Why gps my front door. Why are these people working for Acorn.


Active Member
OK fdd2blk, I see you have all the answers. The town I live does not deliver the mail to houses. We all have PO boxes. The way I see it, they don't need to gps our front doors if they are sending out census in mail.


Well-Known Member
OK fdd2blk, I see you have all the answers. The town I live does not deliver the mail to houses. We all have PO boxes. The way I see it, they don't need to gps our front doors if they are sending out census in mail.
i do apologize. i watch the news. they were speaking of this lately.

i just did a quick GOOGLE search. hope this helps.


The main address list updating operation is called Address Canvassing, which will take place in spring 2009. During the Address Canvassing operation, census takers visit all the places where people live or could live. The census taker must knock on each resident's door and if someone answers explain that he or she is verifying the correct address for a short census questionnaire that will be mailed in 2010.


New Member
And, when you get the census, either the short form, or the long one, the only question that you are required to answer is ... how many live in the residence. Answering anything other than that one quetion is an invasion of your privacy and is none of the federal government's business. If you answer beyond that one question, you are a lemming ... and part of the problem.



Well-Known Member
[quot:clap:e=ViRedd;2453244]And, when you get the census, either the short form, or the long one, the only question that you are required to answer is ... how many live in the residence. Answering anything other than that one quetion is an invasion of your privacy and is none of the federal government's business. If you answer beyond that one question, you are a lemming ... and part of the problem.



great info to throw out


Well-Known Member
The exact same thing happened to me the other day.

Those people hit up my house every year or so. Don't be so paranoid!


New Member
Its not a matter of being paranoid, its a matter of government intruding into areas that it doesn't belong.

Be honest ... is there something about liberty that frightens you lefties?



Well-Known Member
they are logging addresses so they can MAIL OUT THE CENSUS. :roll:
Funny, I don't see why they'd need to go everywhere, or really anywhere. I've always been under the impression that the USPS was supposed to keep track of what (and who's) mail was going where, kinda hard for them to delivery it otherwise. Why doesn't the Census just ask them? (Surely there is a reason why stamps keep on going up and up, and it's not because the USPS' service has gotten any better.)