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  1. tarnishd

    Failure again...

    Hello my fellow peoples I am on my second attempt at growing inside my closet, the first ended up being all male. The second I am afraid is on the same path. I see plenty of sac shaped pods, which are no good. I am getting tired of waiting 3 months, then chopping down all my plants. I...
  2. tarnishd

    Bud Pics.

    great colour
  3. tarnishd

    First Time Scrog Grow. Help Needed!

    Good stuff man.. congrats on the bud. Happy Holidays :peace:
  4. tarnishd

    Crispy Leaves - pics included

    Ok, I flushed them last night. I put ph corrected water in at 6.3, they seem to respond well immediately. Looking more vibrant, hopefully those blemishes on the leaves will disappear - or not show up again. Thanks for the help, I'll post again in a week or so to give a progress report :peace:
  5. tarnishd

    Crispy Leaves - pics included

    I just flushed them out about 2 or 3 weeks ago... I have been using a probe type ph/moisture meter to check the soil. It is at 7 - I've just been using my tap water, which generally has a ph of 7.1. Should I flush or just lower the ph?
  6. tarnishd

    Crispy Leaves - pics included

    Ahh I've been trying to keep ph at 7
  7. tarnishd

    Crispy Leaves - pics included

    Hi.. I've been cruising the forums and looking at all of the help docs in the GrowFAQ but I'm still nervous. Please take a look and tell me what you think... I'm using an organic fertilizer and giving around 3.7ml of fert per liter of water just to try and correct the problem. Correct...
  8. tarnishd

    Damn.. Male right?

    I'm not sure if this is auto flowering or not... first grow. Its a hybrid of blueberry-white widow. Any extra info toss it my way, it all helps I had some stunted growth for a while because I was under fertilizing, so I upped the nutes and then had a bit of a burn lol.. so I just flushed...
  9. tarnishd

    Damn.. Male right?

    Well I'm pretty sure that it is male, however I am denying it inside until I get a confirmation on the bad news. These are grown from seed and are about 7 weeks into veg. Check out the pic... :peace:
  10. tarnishd


    Pool has a bonsai Calyxxx Mum marijuana plant.. pretty sweet here is the grow journal:
  11. tarnishd

    What do you think (Pics)

    nice bud - please update once you get a smoke on.. looks like it'd do the job haha
  12. tarnishd

    A Little Update, Day 45 Of Flowering

    damn those look tasty... good job! :peace:
  13. tarnishd

    cfl lighting help?

    I personally would not use tinfoil - try just painting the interior of the cupboards white, or using some of that nice pvc tarp stuff that is white on one side and black on the other. I've heard good things about that
  14. tarnishd

    So im gonna take shrooms for the first time..

    chew them as long as possible... haha forgot to mention that. Even though the taste is nasty, the more you chew the more that will be absorbed into your tounge/cheeks and the better high you get. some of my friends chew it into a paste and let it sit under their tounge and just soak it all up
  15. tarnishd

    So im gonna take shrooms for the first time..

    just enjoy the trip man, nothing bad may come of it.. best thing about shrooms/weed no overdose baby
  16. tarnishd

    PIC of a few of my buddies,they smoke too.....

    hahaha thas so good... wicked lizards
  17. tarnishd

    When growing indoor with soil how often should i add nutrients to the water

    I add nutes every 3rd water at 1/2 recommended strength. This was per recommendation of my hydroponic coach :peace:
  18. tarnishd

    Day 10 Pictures, and evaluation.

    ** I'm not using a reflector though, which you seem to have a directed spotlight one.. The best way to tell is the hand test, if you put your hand at the same height as your plant underneath the light and it is too hot - they are too close
  19. tarnishd

    Day 10 Pictures, and evaluation.

    After a few weeks the soil will run out of nutrients. So eventually you should start adding them back in. Lights a bit closer may help too, I put my CFLs about 4-6" away from my plants in veg and they seem to be happy
  20. tarnishd

    The "What If" thread.........

    mm bud brew