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  1. J

    Grow Room Controller

    I have been running the iponic 600 for almost a year now. I have to say IT IS NOT READY FOR THE MARKET. Look guys, if you want an expensive toy that can turn your lights on, or that you can see the conditions of your room with via the web (instead of a $70 webcam) then by all means buy one...
  2. J

    iPonic 600

    I have been running the iponic 600 for almost a year now. I have to say IT IS NOT READY FOR THE MARKET. Look guys, if you want an expensive toy that can turn your lights on, or that you can see the conditions of your room with via the web (instead of a $70 webcam) then by all means buy one...
  3. J

    Anyone actually using an iPonic 600?

    I have been running the iponic 600 for almost a year now. I have to say IT IS NOT READY FOR THE MARKET. Look guys, if you want an expensive toy that can turn your lights on, or that you can see the conditions of your room with via the web (instead of a $70 webcam) then by all means buy one. But...
  4. J

    my mother is bleeding RED after topping

    you have a fungal infection my friend. commonly referred to as fusarium. It will eventually kill of the plant when it is ready. treat with an anti fungal that is systemic.
  5. J

    how much Calmag does everyone use?

    seached for it, but there seems to be no definite answer. I have RO, starting water is at 27ppm. I am adding 5ml/gal of calmag, plants seem ok, but not super green and healthy. botanicares website says 3-7ml with their own nutes. I am using Cutting Edge.
  6. J

    Cant Diagnosw this issue... Please help... pics inside

    yes, am using 5ml/gal of calmag, and 10ml/gal of sweet. The buds look fine, could be fuller but couldnt they always? ph is always around 5.5 - 5.6, too low?
  7. J

    Cant Diagnosw this issue... Please help... pics inside

    ok, here is a pic of the area. It doesnt look that bad in this photo, but the others i took were are the lights had finished warming up vs just clicking on, and it looks like i was photographing a TV screen. But you can get the general idea from this shot. in response to above, I am running...
  8. J

    Cant Diagnosw this issue... Please help... pics inside

    Hey all, Here is the set up: 1000w HPS 12/12 ph 5.8 ppm 1200-1350 r/o + 5ml/gal cal mag so i have this nute issue, it starts at around week 2-3 of flowering, leaves dying. doesnt seem to affect the plant that much, but clearly isnt as efficient as it could be. seems to look like nearly every...
  9. J

    Who's battling root aphids?!

    hey all, just joined tonight to post a photo and get help diagnosing a deficiency. But while I am here, I'll share my ROOT APHID solution. I too was F*ed by these little bastards.... i tried everything. Here is the solution, there is a new insecticide that was just released this year by the same...