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  1. Chef Haz3

    Unsual or abnormal

    2-3 metres away sounds kinda far for these little guys ? im no expert so dont quote me , im just learning myself..
  2. Chef Haz3

    Have A Plant Problem? Check Here First

    greenthumb you sound like a commercial on repeat
  3. Chef Haz3

    4 plants from seed experiment

    intense stuff man, keep up the good work !
  4. Chef Haz3

    Well... What is the Problem Here?!?!?! PICS +reps 4 answers!

    i.NeeD.A.LiGhTeR , you never check ur ph , but what are u using to water ? hard tap water ? distilled water ? rain water from the amazon... ?
  5. Chef Haz3

    Has anyone tried Greenhouse seeds "the Church"

    thanks for the reply undertoker, i looked at a couple posts for the church and people seem to really have gotten that plant to grow huge. fussy p had a seriously sexy plant going on in that closet too... hopefully ill have the same luck ! .. nice root shot dwight !
  6. Chef Haz3

    my lower life is dieing

    youve had those in for a month ?? time to transplant soon maybe ? someone else will have a better experienced answer but thats my 2 cents... im having the same issue and am trying to narrow down this problem.. ive also heard getting water on the leaves themselves can cause burning from the lights..
  7. Chef Haz3

    Simple question about first lower leaves to appear.

    i need answers ppl ! bump... :)
  8. Chef Haz3
  9. Chef Haz3

    Have A Plant Problem? Check Here First

    Same problem here, no pics ! alternate link ?
  10. Chef Haz3

    Simple question about first lower leaves to appear.

    alright, so if i transplant now and dont compact the soil nearly as much as i did with these pots everything shud b good ? or are u suggesting that i should invest in other soil, and then transplant ?
  11. Chef Haz3

    Simple question about first lower leaves to appear.

    ALSO, forgot to mention , the little white bowl u see in the background is to catch these mutherfuckin aphids ( fruit flies ? ) flying around, could they be leeching my precious juices out of the leaves ? the yellowing started as a blotch in the middle of the leaf.
  12. Chef Haz3

    Simple question about first lower leaves to appear.

    i dont think its nutes tho bro , cus the bigger plant is 2 weeks and the smaller one is 10 daysish. the soil i have in there ( pro-mix ) shud b good for the first little while ... just my 2 cents. thanks for the reply
  13. Chef Haz3

    Simple question about first lower leaves to appear.

    wadup, the first set of leaves to appear AFTER the initial rounded leaves , do they naturally turn yellow and fall off ?? yes i searched the forum and google, not epic-ly, but i did indeed search lol PICS !:blsmoke: U can note the yellowing of the leaves in both pics. 2 weeks these plants r ...
  14. Chef Haz3

    Dead leaves, should I cut em?

    lmfao jawbrodt...
  15. Chef Haz3

    Nute frequency in soil grows

    i guess i shud have posted my question somewhere else then...
  16. Chef Haz3

    I think I'm good....HOW ABOUT YOU?????

    yeeeeeeeeee you run that power to ur closet ! lol
  17. Chef Haz3

    Has anyone tried Greenhouse seeds "the Church"

    are the hawaiian, big bang and alaskian ice all sativas and the church is an indica ?
  18. Chef Haz3

    Nute frequency in soil grows

    sounds like some common sense to me lol i will b investing in a moisture meter... ive got a quick question while im on here, the first set of leaves that appear AFTER the small round leaves that appear first right after popping, do they fall off ?
  19. Chef Haz3

    Calling All Noob Growers

    personally i would keep the secret to myself and not tell anyone, then again if u need money why not write a book ? lol