4 plants from seed experiment


Well-Known Member
I'm just letting myself in from Danthebulls insane journo. Didn't want to start reading this till i got that out of the way, only took about three days lol. Between following the two of you i should know everything i need to know in no time lol.
Thanks for the respect but do bare in mind i am still a noob myself and do make mistakes still. Sometimes i get brain fry from research and cross somethings that end up not making sense lol

But thats why we are all here to learn and share.

keep your eyes peeled i am updating with pics later and i will be trying to get a close enough pic of a male plant for all to see why it is a male.



Active Member
Yeah you are new, but you have 1(? do correct me if i'm wrong) grow under your belt and another in progress, i figure it's worth following ya. Whatever mistakes you make in your greenness (lol excuse the pun) i too can learn from. But you posted a hell of a lot of info in Dan's journo so you seem to have at least some idea what you're on about.

Oh and you say you're from North Wales? Spent pretty much every summer holiday of my youth in a caravan in either Prestatyn or Rhyl lol. Cymru am byth! :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Yeah you are new, but you have 1(? do correct me if i'm wrong) grow under your belt and another in progress, i figure it's worth following ya. Whatever mistakes you make in your greenness (lol excuse the pun) i too can learn from. But you posted a hell of a lot of info in Dan's journo so you seem to have at least some idea what you're on about.

Oh and you say you're from North Wales? Spent pretty much every summer holiday of my youth in a caravan in either Prestatyn or Rhyl lol. Cymru am byth! :blsmoke:
thnx bro. this is actually my 3rd time 2nd was some Blue cheese clones.

i know a bit about what i'm going on about due to mistakes and research research research research lol.

No new signs of sex yet but i am getting what look like the beginnings of a fem on the POG

1 magazine you may want to check out is URBAN GARDEN MAGAZINE



Well-Known Member
Last pics were a little dark but the root pic was really cool looking! Things are looking really good! I had to start over as I had a hermie that pollinated all my girls! I made canna butter that really does help with the pain!!!

Good Luck! They Look Really Great!!!



Well-Known Member
Hi everyone

Here are some updated pics after feeding time today.
All the plants have been backed off to an EC level of 1.4 for now as i noticed a little burning on the POG plant so i have backed that off too until i find my best match. I am thinking it will increase from here backup to EC1.5 until it reaches perfection. BUt then it will be on to my bloom nutes hopefully but i will be adding the odd shot of GROW nutes here and there.

Ok so

Pic 1 and 2 and 3 are of the POG

Pic 4 and 5 and 6 are of the UNKNOWN 2 plant


Pic 7 and 8 are of the SATIVA plant. THis one was effected the most with the EC1.8. It has some burning on the lower leaves but new growth has now started coming out clear again. So incase anyone is wondering I DID NOT FLUSH THIS PLANT WITH PLAIN PH'd WATER. I flushed it with a lower EC feed to bring the root zone EC down slowly. This plant is now sitting at EC 1.4 just like the others However i think i will leave this plant on EC 1.4.

Also have forgotten to mention the clones. these are doing really well in their rockwool cubes however there are now only 2 of them. 1 Fell over so i had to ditch it as the fan blew it off its stand another 1 was the UNKNOWN 1 which had to be killed as it was male. So i have 2 left the POG clone and the UNKOWN 2 clone.

I will update with pics of these 2 soon.

Enjoy the pics.




Well-Known Member
Last pics were a little dark but the root pic was really cool looking! Things are looking really good! I had to start over as I had a hermie that pollinated all my girls! I made canna butter that really does help with the pain!!!

Good Luck! They Look Really Great!!!

Hey Kimi
I did check your thread and heard what happened. Well done on the CANNA butter making. Glad you found a use for them.

Make sure you have studied your hermie to know the signs. I had one on my first ever grow. I was gutted but i found the him/she early and it didnt have chance to pollenate but it was even worse as it happened in week 4 of flower so there were bud sites all over it. Ohh well it was another chance to learn some more.

Keep on Growing dont give up just check them all over every day. This is what i do until i know i am in the safe zone. Usually weeks 5 + you wont get any full blown hermie's but you may still get the odd male flower popping out of a bud.( had this too on some clones i grew lol ive had it all happen lol)



Well-Known Member
That was the hardest part, we were a little over 3 weeks into flowering and my favorite girl had 36 bud sites! I thought she was the hermie cuz I saw the seeds, then I found the real culpirt and realised that every girl was chalked full of seeds!

If you haven't tried cannbutter yet I highly suggest it! My son ate a tablespoon and said he was as high as he has ever been by smoking! Excellent thing to do with trimmings and amazingly easy to make too!

Your girls look great, I can only hope my next round looks that good!



Well-Known Member
If you want a tip Kimi i cannot stress enough how important an EC meter is.

They are great for getting things spot on as far as the strength of your nutes go.


Bonzi Lighthouse

Well-Known Member
and don't forget to mist your plants B4 you take pictures, it's kinda like pinching their cheeks.

(I don't do this but jondamon does :-) )


Well-Known Member
hi all

well its day 7 of 12/12

i can now confirm that POG and SATIVA are most definately female as i can see some pistels coming from each. they are very small at present so i cant get good pics (youve seen how shit my cam is close up even on macro mode) i will take some when they get a little bigger.

Unknown2 is still not showing yet.



Well-Known Member
Good evening everyone

Hey all

Here are some latest snaps of the grow so far.

I have also included some pics of the clones for you all to see. Look at the roots on unknown2 clone wow!!!!

All the main plants are currently between 12-16 inches tall.

Main pic of the grow is
Front left POG
Back left Sativa
Back right Unknown2
front right on the terracota pot are the 2 clones.

Enjoy everyone




Well-Known Member
Great first set up should be able to get a good few in there sea of green if i was doing it flower about a ft tall.I know that i looks like you are going down the organic way with bio bizz but the yeild will be far less than if you use a nutrient like advanced.I would 100% use the bio bizz all mix best soil on the market in my opinion,i have just done a jack herer grow with bio bizz feed and to be honest the results were not bad but no where has near has much has i normaly get from each set.Advanced is that bit more expensive but when it comes to the yeild there is no comparasion.I was told all kinds of great stuff about bio bizz feed the taste was far better and it is a tad better but no enouth to make me do another.Even a feed like vitalink will give you double the ammount bio bizz will but good luck happy growing nothing puts a greater smile on a smokers face than knowing that you produced the most pukka stuff you have had in a long time........tyke............................................................................................................................................................


Well-Known Member
I only use the Bio BIzz alg-a-mic vitality booster.

I use growth Technologies IONIC COCO nutes. GROW BLOOM and BOOST.

I am only using these as its my 2nd grow in coco i had another grow in Soil the last time.

I used the IONIC range on my first ever grow and i am now just using them up before i change the product line.

thanks for stopping by



Active Member
shit man, congrats on your 100% germination... i'm trying to germinate now, and got no luck! When you said you "checked them" and saw taproots - did you dig them up?


Well-Known Member
shit man, congrats on your 100% germination... i'm trying to germinate now, and got no luck! When you said you "checked them" and saw taproots - did you dig them up?

No definately not.

With coco you can see the tap root heading down as it is very very fine. I DID NOT DIG THEM UP. This could cause all sorts of problems.

I just gently covered my seeds with a little bit of the coco and watered it. then just waited.

thanks for stopping in on my thread.

I will be posting pics tomorrow of my now 3 confirmed females.
