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  1. fukinstoner123

    Need help!!

    Weird ass Muthafuckerrrr!!!!!!!!!
  2. fukinstoner123

    Need help!!

    Ok I live in CA I got caught with marijuana.Here is a misdeaminor,im under aged.I dont want to get drug tested when I go to court I got court in 2 weeks.I got caught with a gram.Will I get drug tested or probation.Is my first time getting caught with weed need help..:-(:leaf::idea::-(
  3. fukinstoner123

    Indica or sativa?

    here's some pics!!
  4. fukinstoner123

    Indica or sativa?

    I planted this plant..Is two weeks old i wonder if is a indica or a sativa. unknown strsin?:-o
  5. fukinstoner123

    3rd week flowering, plant dying for unknown reasons

    Buy some nutrients That will make it ohh yea i heard about this product name superthrive is really good for the root system just head down to walmart and buy those basic things!!!!
  6. fukinstoner123

    Need SOME HELP!!!

    Watering my plant with superthrive Vitamins-Hormones liquid everytime water will it be ok or should i just water regular!!!
  7. fukinstoner123

    Nees sum advice!!!

    Is neem oil good for treating cannabis pest!!!!
  8. fukinstoner123

    Need help urgent!!!!!!

    I just put it outside rite now and the leaves when back up i think it was unwatered ohh I leave it like at noon to dawn im thinking about leave it for light outside and for the dark period just leave it inside.
  9. fukinstoner123

    Need help urgent!!!!!!

    I spray the leaves with water my ph is great i do not feed it
  10. fukinstoner123

    Need help urgent!!!!!!

    I water today i dontt use nutes and its a outdoor and indoor plant when is inside i have two 50 watt cfl's
  11. fukinstoner123

    Need help urgent!!!!!!

    Why are my leaves going down heres some pictures sorry for the bad quality!!!!!!
  12. fukinstoner123

    Need some help!

    yup im using cfl 100 watt but if i put it close that plants starts to burn but yea im ma move it a lil bit thanks man!!!
  13. fukinstoner123

    Need some help!

    my stem has this white spot but their kind of bumpy are those roots or what heres a pic sorry for the quality my camera fuckd up ohh yea ab=nd this plant is growing fukin slow :joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::weed::weed::weed::weed::weed::weed:
  14. fukinstoner123

    Please Help!!!

    damn the stem were so weak that the plant felt i was like fuck it and just killed it im a first time grower but i still have have another one!!!
  15. fukinstoner123

    Please Help!!!

    did i over fertilize my plant the plants leafs are droppy and weird!!!!here sum pics sorry for tha bad quality!!!
  16. fukinstoner123


    I have my plants under cfl's and leds but i just wanted to move them outside for flowering thanks for the advice!!!
  17. fukinstoner123


    why went i put my plants outside the leafs look all droopy and sad i put them back inside they look happy this shitt is weird !!!!!!!:weed:
  18. fukinstoner123

    Need Help....

    I been hearing bad things about Miracle -Gro does it really suck....