Please Help!!!


Well-Known Member
looks like way overwatered but if there were those nutes in there than that could be doing it. If you have to prop up ur plants, thats not good. I would let the soil dry and not use those nutes again.
damn the stem were so weak that the plant felt i was like fuck it and just killed it im a first time grower but i still have have another one!!!


Well-Known Member
You didnt give alot of details . If your on a budget if your soil is still soggy go ahead and flush it out , try using half what u used of that fertilizer next time you cant always blame the product sometimes its user error . ALL STRAINS can take diff levels of nutrient ppm . With any fertilizer its best to not use full strength start at like half then dial in from there .


hey, Slow down on the water and don't over do the nutes... kinda small to add nutes especially if the soil already contains nutes also maybe add a small fan if you don't have one already