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  1. M

    Is 95 degree too hot?

    First time back in 2 years. SOoooo. Yea, i grew in an attic. No air conditioning. It was about 87 at the coolest, and about 108 at the hottest. The plant came out AMAZING. Gave it TONS of love though. Really did take a lot of effort.
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    The Best Deals Thread. Post Best Deals And Lowest Prices Links

    I need the 90w ufo for a number of reasons. Right now im doing cfls. Thats no fun. I thought leds would atleast be some improvement. In essence. I am growing in a 2.5 foot by 2.5 foot thats 5 feet tall box. A 90w led with 4 or more cfls will grow 3-4 small plants lst'd and topped, and ive...
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    The Best Deals Thread. Post Best Deals And Lowest Prices Links

    anyone know where i can get a good 90w ufo for about 150?
  4. M

    What strain of weed is a guarenteed trip??

    how about a jeffrey?
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    sugar injection to plants .

    ok, i have a crappy NL for nirvana that i just germed. I can get sterile needles and i will try different concentrations of glucose. Ill post with pics in about 1 month. Ill start with .1M sucrose, and go up to as high as possible to see what the threshold is in increments of .2M. Chances...
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    about to kill roomate

    lol, ok so i gave him a little sit down and explained how it was really stupid that he did what he did. He said he was sorry and bought a gram for me that day and a few brownies =). He's sort of my dealer (irony eh?) lol. I didn't bitch slap him, i used to bitch slap him all the time but now...
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    Best way to smoke Dank.

    idk, a perfectly rolled J can do some serious damage, and they taste the best too. When they burn all wet and the syrupy resin kinda glows as it gets sucked toward the roach. OMG. If that imagery does not make you want to roll a j for good times sake... gtfo. Other then that, gram per gram...
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    about to kill roomate

    Yes i did ask him why part of my plant was missing. He told me where the aluminum foil was in his bedroom. lol i didn't go looking through his bedroom as someone else had suggested. Anyway, we've been good friends since we were little so i really need to just talk to him.
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    about to kill roomate

    Well, i only smoke on the weekends because it gets me too stupid for school, (so far a got good grades, Gome). So he usually only smokes on weekends. Anyway, as far how long an 8th lasts, well, a gram of uncurred, shit-dried, unmatured shit weed wont last any period of time. And that 1 gram...
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    about to kill roomate

    as i said earlier, we both pay for everything 50/50. The reason his name is on the lease only is long story but ends with me popping up out of no where to help his poor ass out when he signed a 12 month lease by himself that he cant afford. But yea. def not cool to cut the bud before its ripe.
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    about to kill roomate

    ok, ive decided im going to have a serious sit down with him and tell him how little i respect him... blah blah all that shit. Then when were all calm and everything is said and done, im going to bitch slap him so fucking hard and quick it will knock his eyeballs into the back of his head. and...
  12. M

    about to kill roomate

    Everyone knows their plants like its their own child. I mean if he really thinks i wouldn't know that it was snipped there he is so goddamn stupid. Anyway, the best part about it was when i called him he was all like "dude its ok! i looookeed on teh intornetzz and they said it wuz...
  13. M

    about to kill roomate

    ok, so we split the rent 50/50 but geuss who has the name on the lease? =) not i. Anyway, he also owes me about 60$ so that adds to me being pissed off. I am thinking about "getting behind" in the rent. Its just my passive agressive nature. As for the bud, i was totally up to sharing it with...
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    about to kill roomate

    so after i told my roomate not to try any of the bud he decides to go behind my back while im not at the house, snip a piece off, about 1g. This is when the plant is only 6 weeks into flowering (if that). This is a northern lights grow. Anyway, then he decides to put the piece of bud (totally...
  15. M

    need some serious input on how to approach my mother

    First off, I am sorry about your sister, that's really tough and I hope she does better. But in all reality, this is absolutely not something you should talk to your mother about before you talk to your sister. I would say that is disrespectful in the least if you were to go to your mother...
  16. M

    My Future grow Boxes

    i currently have a 2.5 x 2.5 x 4 and its enough for about 1 plant. Wish I made it bigger =(. but in essence. Those chambers have the height, but you need atleast 6 more inches of width and length. thats how I would have done mine...
  17. M

    Black Out Bud Butter (BOBB)

    "Ghee, also known as clarified butter in anglophone countries, is made by simmering unsalted butter in a cooking vessel until all water has boiled off and the milk solids, or protein, have settled to the bottom and a scum has floated on top. After removing the scum the cooked and clarified...
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    Black Out Bud Butter (BOBB)

    best butter ever is kerrygold. Pure Irish butter. Nothing better, ever. Can be found at most supermarkets too. its like 6$ for 2 sticks. but worth it
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    Good Luck on my drug test

    that milk thing is totally a scam. My father said if i drank a big glass of milk (we were going to the doctor),(oh yea and i hated milk) that i wouldnt have to get any shots because i would be so healthy. Well geuss wut? i got the shots. I was 7 years old and my father tricked me into...