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  1. D.O.Grow

    Ah bag seeds, and my first grow...

    Hey, I finally have sort of an update.... I transplanted it to some better soil and as soon as I got it back into veg it was looking pretty good. But I pretty much said screw cloning and put it right back into flower. So a massive waste of time. But anyway, its forming some buds, not much sign...
  2. D.O.Grow

    Ah bag seeds, and my first grow...

    Hey BB, no harm no foul! I realize its pretty hard to make out in those pictures. Thanks for the support though! This is quickly becoming my favorite hobby lol Fabfun, good idea using the clone next time. Luckily I'm not in too much of a rush right now though. And that will be a lot easier once...
  3. D.O.Grow

    Ah bag seeds, and my first grow...

    thanks guys:) none of the others are really showing yet, It almost looks like one has a couple pistils sticking out the top but I'm not positive. Does anyone know when the 'point of no return' is for sexing? I want to put them back into veg for awhile longer and I'm a little worried that the...
  4. D.O.Grow

    Ah bag seeds, and my first grow...

    Sorry, the lighting in my room isn't great for pictures. I took another picture and played with the contrast. What I see is a calix at the bottom arrow with two pistils coming out of it, and the top arrow are pistils from the next higher node. I'll probably try again tomorrow to get better with...
  5. D.O.Grow

    Ah bag seeds, and my first grow...

    Its a girl! I was out of town for about a week, they were wilted when I got back so I watered last night. She perked up over night. I just checked all the plants for preflowers and found some little pistils on the larger plant. None of the others are showing anything. I might end up tossing...
  6. D.O.Grow

    11 Day old plants drooping and yellowing

    The runoff from watering should be around 6.6-6.8 I believe, you'll need a ph meter. Then adjust the ph of your water and nutes accordingly, not sure on the specifics of adjusting though...
  7. D.O.Grow

    Ah bag seeds, and my first grow...

    To be honest I'm a little ashamed of this grow, and wasn't even going to start a thread for it. But I figure its my first and really, whose first grow ever goes that well? Anyway, I started a plant about 2 months ago because my roomie has been promising me he'll go get his green card...He has...
  8. D.O.Grow

    11 Day old plants drooping and yellowing

    Nope, I haven't added anything to the soil. My plan now is to get enough axilliary nodes to clone and start those in either fox farms (if I can find it around here) or something similar. Once I get completely up and running I want to switch to Subcool's super soil, but that will probably be...
  9. D.O.Grow

    11 Day old plants drooping and yellowing

    I'd say its your soil. I'm using the same stuff actually, I was in a hurry and rushed out to get soil before checking into too much. It looks like most people have issues with MG, but I'm not sure what the actual nutrient issue is. It looks like a nitrogen deficiency, but this is my first grow...
  10. D.O.Grow

    Prey Mantis

    Mantids are pretty awesome. If you want to go crazy and get a really neat one for your grow area take a look around online, you can find some amazing little insects. This site has a decent selection ;)
  11. D.O.Grow


    I've heard of people liking lady bugs, certain times of year you can pick up bags of them at a nursery or walmart ect. Good luck!
  12. D.O.Grow

    question about topping

    I would look into LST like TommyHobby is thinking, also check out super cropping. Both techniques will shorten, and bush out your plants.
  13. D.O.Grow

    Up-Side down??????

    Though in theory, if you were to LST the apical meristem to keep it pointing down, couldn't you potentially have a really branchy plant since the axilliary nodes would be above all the auxin? I guess it would be more of a tinker project than an actual grow technique, but I'd think it might be...
  14. D.O.Grow

    Washington State Fails To get enough signatures for the ballot this year

    I go to college near seattle and only heard of the initiative two days before the deadline for signatures, if I had known I would have gathering signatures myself. I know it's bad for people who grow for money, but it would be amazing for the economy at large, I really think the gain would...