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  1. C

    I am going down to the river in the van with my dogs to smoke doobies.

    I've been here since the demise of over grow..just more of a listener, that's all.
  2. C

    which hydro system to use?

    Dwc is definitely the easiest and fastest system to build and can produce very good results. It takes me approximately 6 minutes to assemble a four bucket system from scratch and another 10 minutes to fill them and put plants in. You can't really beat the vigorous growth for such a small...
  3. C

    Powerless RDWC system design....would it work?

    I doubt the concept would work. Consider that the siphon output needs to be below the siphon intake to continuously draw fluid. You cannot create a siphon from two buckets on the same level with the same amount of fluid. I also don't understand the reasoning behind a master bucket up top. Is...
  4. C


    A 120mm case fan has a cfm rating of 100 to 150 cfm with no negative pressure. Place your exhaust at the top and intake on the bottom. Two 12cm holes add an intake will be sufficient. Keep in mind the fan is not designed to draw through any type of filter and the performance will be dramatically...
  5. C

    2k Watt Ventilation

    An 8" exhaust does not require a 24" diameter hole. It requires a hole with 2-3x as much surface area. Keep in mind the area of a circle has an exponential relation to diameter. A 12" diameter hole is more than twice the size of an 8" diameter hole. By the way, anyone that said a passive intake...
  6. C

    noob! could use some pro advise anyone plz contribute!

    They are developmentally challenged, but rest assured they look fine.
  7. C

    noob! could use some pro advise anyone plz contribute!

    Are your pots sitting on concrete? I'm not exactly sure what you're asking. I think you understand already why they are stunted.
  8. C

    Mercy on a frustrated Newbie and second attempt to grow.

    For $200 you can buy a 250w mh magnetic ballast kit with reflector and bulb. If you're set on cfl, then save your money and don't buy any fixtures at all. Heat up the cfl where the ballast is located with a hair dryer and split it apart. There will be a red and black wire inside. From the...
  9. C

    My Worst Nightmare Just Happened Please Help!

    It's obviously not the same in every region, but I have a friend that works for hydro. He has reassured me multiple times that the particular hydro company that I deal with does not rat anyone out for excessive consumption. The misconception stems from police using electric bills to obtain...
  10. C

    Lung room?

    A lung room is simply a central air source used in sealed rooms and are normally used when people are flipping between two rooms. Both rooms will share the same co2 burner, ac and dehumidifier to process the air for each room. It also keeps bulky equipment out of the grow space. Its a very...
  11. C

    New grower, is my setup ok? specifically the lights (pictures)

    That will be enough light for a small harvest. You may want to think about eventually reconfiguring the bulbs to be more even across the canopy once the plants begin growing. Right now, the 2 lights in the back and the 2 suspended over top aren't going to do much at all. The pots are big...
  12. C

    How to heat a 5x9 Grow Tent (In a non insulrated shed)??

    You just have to experiment running your setup and monitoring temps. As for a heater, the 1500w oil filled heaters are the most energy efficient. Keep in mind, without insulation heating will become costly. It could be anywhere from $1.50 - $3.00 per day to keep it warm. Fibreglass insulation is...
  13. C

    Starting to Build Veg and Flower room! Need exhuast intake help !!

    You could potentially exhaust both rooms with one 8" or 10" fan. I would tee off from each room into one fan and give each room its own passive intakes. However, I would run a seperate fan to cool the lights as well. As for exhausting into the house, is it cold where you are? Either way, you...
  14. C

    Plant Physiology 101: 100% Germination Rates Guaranteed through ABA levels

    100% germination rates from wetting a paper towel, placing it in an empty dvd case, wrapping the case in a towel and placing it on a terrarium heater for 24 hours. I've never had an issue germing seeds and I definitely don't understand why anyone could have a problem. Keep it simple, so as not...
  15. C

    Whats wrong with my babies??

    I don't see anything seriously wrong with them. It is typical for a clone to yellow slightly while rooting and be stunted in growth anywhere from 3 days to 2 weeks after transplant. Don't stress dude. Its hard to see the colour from the pic, but to me, you may even need to feed them. My clones...
  16. C

    Stunted Seedling 1 week Old! cotyledons dried out already

    It looks like it's growing in sheep shit. You said no over watering, but the medium looks soaked. Even for the seeds to take that long to pop is an indicator that something is fucky.
  17. C

    Newbie Needing Help!

    Also, with a 600w, a canopy deviation of 6-10" isn't going to be an issue at all. Let em grow bro.
  18. C

    zero water filters

    Tap water at 143 is very good man. My old house was on well and without any processing, it came out at over 600. Consider the fact that bottled spring water generally has twice the amount of solids as your tap water.
  19. C

    zero water filters

    Yep, they're great to keep in the fridge. I wake up in the middle of the night and slam a liter right out of the container. I'm pretty sure they are designed specifically to provide mineral free water for drinking only though. Not saying you couldn't water plants with them, but they are not...
  20. C

    Newbie Needing Help!

    Why don't you just raise the other 3 to match the height. Put something under the other pots. Definitely don't top it though!