noob! could use some pro advise anyone plz contribute!


hi guys as you can see im a noob! my girls are anywhere from 5-12" but are like two and half months old mind you that i sprouted the seeds then my lights didnt come in the mail ended up being on back order for 3 weeks so honestly they have only had about over a month and 1/2 of light (T5 4ft 8 bulb) i use coco and three part grow bloom micro nutes on a 1/2 dose i am in 5gal pots they are extreamly bushy and the nodes are so closely spaced about 1/4-1/2" apart, i temped my coco the other day and found out that the medium is at like 55 deg.!!! so i went out and got a space heater to help bc of the area i have to grow in it gets cold in there but the lights put off some good heat but just dont penetrate the medium well enough. i havent flushed them and i read that some ppl dont at all i have only been watering with no run-off until the other day when i did water with run-off with full nutes but the day after was when i realized the cold temps and it has been 2 days since, the plants seem to be just fine but they just keep growing on the bottom and are getting more and more bushy which i know isnt a bad thing but they just dont seem to be getting any taller it seems like they are putting all the energy into the bottom of the plant
anyways here are some pics of from first day of the lights to now id ssay that they have been under the light for like 5 weeks now

thanks everyone who chimes in and lends a knowledgeable word and btw i love this forum everyone seems to be very helpful i was on some other forums for other things and everyone was just dicks and didnt like new ppl or change so w/e! your loss
ok sorry for the long post



did i mention that they are like 12 weeks old??? its an OG kush strain what strain exactly idk, could the cold coco slowed the growth down that much when its like 65-72 deg at the top of the plant but the medium was low 50's? or could it be from so long without light actually i take that back the had just some shop lights 4ft 2 bulb t12???? maybe idk but they didnt grow for shit under it i know that maybe just kept them from freezing
i see all these ppl who are like at 4-5 weeks and are passing me as if im standing still


Well-Known Member
Are your pots sitting on concrete? I'm not exactly sure what you're asking. I think you understand already why they are stunted.


no they arent sitting on concrete, what i am asking by visual inspection from the shitty pictures does everything look ok ?
They look slightly deficient cold weather means your plant will draw up less water because they don't need to cool themselves and since they are drawing up less water they draw up less nutes. The opposite is true for warmer weather the plants draw up more water to cool themselves and draw up more nutes as well.


Well-Known Member
i thought your plants looked pretty good. you can thin some of them out if you want. you are the gardener and you decide how you want your plants to grow. they will respond in kind. just think forward to what you want them to look like when they're 6-8 weeks into flower and prune accordingly. its easier than you might think.


thanks for all the info and i guess like any father we are little over protective/cautious about our little girls, as you can see there is a fifth little girl in the background sadly she got really affected and stunted but on a lighter note i trimmed all of the dead leaves off of it, and it took a little while but it has within the last week really decided that it didnt want to die instead it wants to live and i have seen better growth out of that little girl in the last week then the rest of em. i work 6-7 14 hr days and its hard to watch over them and keep a constant eye on all of the variables.
but thank you for you quick responses!
1st time grow so all the help is much appreciated!


i thought your plants looked pretty good. you can thin some of them out if you want. you are the gardener and you decide how you want your plants to grow. they will respond in kind. just think forward to what you want them to look like when they're 6-8 weeks into flower and prune accordingly. its easier than you might think.
thank you for the praise
and what should i trim from them lower upper small big like i said kinda feel like a father giving his daughter a hair cut i have trimmed the tops already i did that around a week ago and i want to put them into flower soon or feel like i should be bc of how old that they are but i know you can keep em in veg for as long as you want to as big as you want but what is a good base? to provide a decent crop


Well-Known Member
you plan around the light footprint. that's your limitations. looking at what you have there i would let them grow out a little more then thin the real bushy ones a bit, using the cuttings as clones if you wish. as they grow i would tie them down with whatever is handy for you. then i would flip them. so from today i think you're looking at about two weeks but hey if you want to flip now you certainly can. it won't be bad for the plants in any way and its your grow. i think you need to be a little more fearless and just dive in. you can't really go wrong. you're growing a weed remember that.