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  1. dse420

    browning, dying leaves. with brown spots?

    See if this shows up...
  2. dse420

    browning, dying leaves. with brown spots?

    Long time.. no chat.. the taller older plant dies.. fuk that shitty.clone.. my moms had same one.. grown bout 2in.. but the little one has grown alot. I got a few more growing now.. all i gotta say is "super thrive". Its the best hormone shit u can buy.. look for it in ur local plant/hydro...
  3. dse420

    browning, dying leaves. with brown spots?

    well.... no piks right now.. but the dying leaves in the ppiks above, died, so i plucked em off. so now it looks like a twig with hardly any leaves on it... i flushed out both the pots with bout 5x the amount the pots can hold. trees still look a lil down there growing still, ut just so darn...
  4. dse420

    Powder Mildow or Mold

    my bitch got powder mold on her and i just sprayed her 2-3x a day with water and a cuple drops of dish soap and it disapeared in 3days or so.... i used dawn. i dont know if it wuld make a difference.. but dawn is a stronger soap then most others. i read it online and they said to add baking...
  5. dse420

    browning, dying leaves. with brown spots?

    thnx to both rhino and smucker. its a good possibility for nut burn cuz i never really flushed them wen i transplanted them.. ill flush it out and wait a few days if it worsens ill get a ph tester and check that.. thnx
  6. dse420

    browning, dying leaves. with brown spots?

    heres my situation. i hav a clone from the clinik in long beach, some thunder fuk (not alaskin). i bot it bout 2 1/2 weeks ago, took her home and planted her in Osh brand ready to use potting soil with added fertalizers. the 'guaranteed analysis' on the back sais the soil has round 6.0 PH...
  7. dse420

    New Grower

    thanks i figured our how to post.... something... but i dont see it in the questions??? hmm. i can find it in the journal entries. does everyone els get to see those and reply to it?
  8. dse420

    New Grower

    oh.. hey can ANY1 PLEASE tell me how the fuck im sposed to post somethen.. i cannot for the life of me find out how to post shit. and i got piks to put on for my question.. but cant figure out how.. idk if im just too high and cant figure it out... mabe... im just gunna smoke more and try to...
  9. dse420

    theres is another plant i started form sead right next to the thunder fuk in same light,soil...

    theres is another plant i started form sead right next to the thunder fuk in same light,soil, air, everything.. and its doing just fine... they wer both transplanted into the soil at same time. seed is prolly round 4weeks of growth out from te seed. i gew 2plants last year with the same...
  10. dse420

    the older leaves (not just the bottom ones, threw out the plants stem) tips are turning yellow...

    the older leaves (not just the bottom ones, threw out the plants stem) tips are turning yellow, then brown, then there seems to be som sort of spotting of yellow and brown on the leaf soon after. it just continues until the leaf is compleatly dead and falls off. i thot it was just cuz plants...
  11. dse420

    heres my situation. i hav a clone from the clinik in long beach, some thunder fuk (not alaskin)...

    heres my situation. i hav a clone from the clinik in long beach, some thunder fuk (not alaskin). i bot it bout 2 1/2 weeks ago, took her home and planted her in Osh brand ready to use potting soil with added fertalizers. the 'guaranteed analysis' on the back sais the soil has round 6.0 PH...
  12. dse420

    New Grower

    well, i wish i culd help u out alil more...i read somethen online about browning, curloing upwards leaves, some say its do to over watering, some say under watering, and some say a deficency of nutrients in the soil... but im really not sure. u shuld be watering every few days depending on the...
  13. dse420

    Bummed over Prop 19 loss

    it dont faze me nun. shit im still smoken regardless, just like i ben
  14. dse420

    Best Sativa Strains

    green crack, bannana crack... those are my favorites
  15. dse420

    New Grower

    male female
  16. dse420

    New Grower

    fuk. i think i just erased evrything i rote... put a fan on em osilating. itll help the plant breath and replace the carbon monoxide that the plants leaves use up. if there in ur bathroom, take em out it mite be too humid in there cuz of the showers and stuff. humidity should be round 50% i...
  17. dse420

    Can you confirm my diagnosis? (pics)

    it doesnt even look too bad to me.. but im too new to get into all the nitro and stuff. but, i do think that u shuld transplant it into a bigger pot. they say 1gal for every1month the plant is gunna be alive in there... so.... that 3.3 is better for her
  18. dse420

    Browning leaves during flowering

    I aint a pro but if u said u used the same potting soil that u used last time and added nothing to it, then its a good possability that the 1st plant already used up all the nutrients in the soil. just do wat these other guys r saying and it shuld b kool