Powder Mildow or Mold


Active Member
Ive got powder mildow on my leaves!! I've been fighting powder mildew on one plant for a couple weeks and just finally removed it after the powder mildew moved onto the buds.. Some of the plant were salvagable but i didnt want to risk my 2 others... They look healthy my other ones but im afraid ill see it become a big problem in the next two weeks

When i removed the one with the problem i cleaned my grow room out completely with bleach and other cleaners. So i hope it does not become a problem . What posts are good to read on powder mildew and has anybody used any good remedies for powder mildew ie heat, products, mixtures fo milk .. baking soda...

Ive read a couple things so need to know what someone has tried and worked the best. Please if you have used anything that works it would be greatly appreciated to hear ur imput.. Mind you im 61/2 weeks into buding so it has to safe..



my bitch got powder mold on her and i just sprayed her 2-3x a day with water and a cuple drops of dish soap and it disapeared in 3days or so.... i used dawn. i dont know if it wuld make a difference.. but dawn is a stronger soap then most others. i read it online and they said to add baking soda,, but the water and saop worked just fine for me.. hopes it helps