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  1. S

    First Time Grow - Tutti Fruity - Greenhouse

    dont chop man its not done, trust me wait it out until all those hairs fall into the bud. it will not be as potent as if u waited just 2 more weeks. the white hairs are a sign that the calyx has not fully developed yet. if anything harvest 2 or 3 branches for now to keep a lil smoke. just keep...
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    Should i chop?

    ull no when its done all those hairs will be orange/red, and those calyxes will be swollen, i can tell u from experience DO NOT CHOP EARLY u will regret it when its dryed.
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    just started flowering my plants 50 plus most are 18 inches -2 foot what u think?

    50 plants indoors is insane especially at 2 foot tall! your gonna have a plentyful harvest
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    Bagseed update! Grow room is perfect! Need advice

    ill tell u what if i were u id throw about 4 of them plants into a 12/12 schedule now so you will know your males and females. then take clones from the female, save 1 clone as a mother and the rest go into flower. so then u can have some smoke a lil sooner. o yea dont use a drip bag could...
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    The 12-12 From Seed Thread

    Hey these are bag seed 12/12 5 weeks, 3 weeks since pre flowers
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    Bagseed update! Grow room is perfect! Need advice

    hey these are my 12/12 from seed bagseed. bout 5 weeks in ( 2 week veg and 3 weeks flower) make sure to keep the lights close within 3inches from tops, good air circulation, and low dose of nutes, since u dont know the strains genetics.
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    Why aren't they growing as fast as before?

    the bigger the plant. the more light you need. when i started i did the same thing, i grew with only 1 cfl,then i learned u need wayyy more light than that. so i got 7 more and i thought i was good.... by the middle of flowering i had 22 cfls around just 1 plant. also dont feed every watering...
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    producing a pound from 1 plant? possible?

    listen 1 pounders take plenty lights and air circulation. ur better off making a mom and taking clones and doing a sea of green with like 12-15 2 week veged clones, avg 1 - 1.5 oz per plant at least, then u got ur pound.
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    1 Week Into Flowering...

    i can tell u from exp growing bagseed. Everything must be close to ideal for a good flower. u want colder temps like 75 day 68 at night. get an ac in the room it helps bigggg time. with the temps u got dont be surprised to have fluffy bud.
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    Harvest now or wait?

    hey the best thing to do is to harvest by the branch and wait a week, because from now on ur buds will only get better. if you let the other branches finish you will see a very noticable difference in smell, trich growth, and overall bag appeal.
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    NEED HELP!!! When to begin flowering?

    bring them lights really low within 3 inches of the tops to reduce stretching. looks like ur nodes are getting spaced. u want as many nodes as possible because when u switch to flowering everything will really stretch
  12. S

    Low budget, soil, closet grow...Critical Jack

    dam.... a month veg and thats it... just go to a home depot. u can spend $10 on decent lighting. like $5 for (4) 26w cfl 6400k. $1.25 for cheap cord. a y connecter and a plug that goes straight from the y to the extension cord. its something to work with on a tight budget.
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    Issues: Germination Proccess

    i did the same thing and mine actually sprouted 3 days later
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    Ok, ph meter says my soil is 8.1-3....what do i do?

    if ur in veg then get the ph down to like 6.4ish and during flowering try and keep it at 6.2 which is ideal. u have to buffer the soil down to the correct pH by using a ph down.(you can buy at walmart aquarium section) also ur nutes lowers ph. o yea make sure to add fert to the water b4 u add pH...
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    Got the Skill to grow from seed?

    im not saying to do it all time, just for those tricky seeds. my critical jack auto wouldnt pop 3 weeks in rockwool, then i cracked the seeds in half on the edges. itll make a pop noise then u use the tweezers to pry open the pointed end. u will then see the tiny embryo
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    Got the Skill to grow from seed?

    Heres proof
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    indoor bag seed grow nearly finished?????????????????????????

    The easiest way to know when buds are done is for all the calyxes to be swollen to the max and for the hairs to fall into the buds. Then you'll know there done. just look at finished buds on the net
  18. S

    should i flower white widow 8wks or 10wks?

    Ill tell you from experience r1tony is dead on. you can never set a date unless u grow the strain in your environment a couple times.
  19. S

    Got the Skill to grow from seed?

    hey an easy way to germ is to pop the shell. like a sunflower seed, then u will see a small embryo with the colyteons and the small tap root. then place them in soil or rockwool, then place those under some veg lights and ull c. but b very careful not to crush the embryo inside