indoor bag seed grow nearly finished?????????????????????????


Well-Known Member
None of us can tell you when it's ready, it's something you will have to decide upon your self. My personal opinion however (from what I see), is that you still have a while to go. It also looks like they are stretching, it would help if you could tell us what lights your using, how many weeks flowering your at etc...

Looks hybrid, sativa dominant would be my guess.


Looks nice, Robbie! I would say you have more than you think to go. I say 3-4 more weeks easy. Take a look at "How to grow Marijuana" in the Newbie section. Post #22:

Depending on the strain it will take 45-70+ days of budding. I like to cut my plants down when 2/3rds of the hairs turn red. If you look at the crystals (trichromes) under a microscope they should look like tiny little mushrooms. If the trichromes turn grey or brown you have waited too long. Half cloudy white and half purple is perfect. When the hairs are 2/3rds red is usually just about perfect for those without a microscope. The swell is another thing I look for. I want the bud (catalist SP?) to swell like it could have a seed in it. If not then its probably not ready and will be air bud if you cut now.

There is a bit more too it, but thats just an overview...


Well-Known Member
Hi sorry m8,i am using a 400w sodium light,have done all there life, they have been flowering nearly 6 weeks, mainly all white pistils but sum turning brown.ty


Well-Known Member
would be my guess as well 4-6 weeks, this is the worst time looking at all those buds, smelling them it can be easy to get impatient. it will be worth the wait tho some nice X mas buds

looking good


Well-Known Member
yeah i did mate, i got infested with spider mite, used something what got rid off them, but figured taking the fan leaves off would prevent the little critters getting about as much.


Well-Known Member
i also figured they were dying off going yellow anyway, so thought by taking them off, iwud be putting more energy into the bud?


When exactally did you cut all your fan leaves off?

This may greatly effect your plant especially in flower. It could have stunned your plant by cutting so much off at once. Stunned plants put the brakes on and stops all production and growth concentrating on the problem at hand to stay alive. You cut the shit out of her! (this is my take of stunning) This isn't ness a bad thing just may push back your flowering date by 'X' amount of time. Keep this in mind. I'd add 1-2 weeks onto my estimated flower time.


Well-Known Member
orite m8, i have been taking them off day by day when they are yellowing, maybe handful a day for a week and half. the buds are really fatrtening up on the bushy one, the tall one is not so buddy, still buddy tho. could they both be the same strain even tho they look totally different in shape?


Well-Known Member
so everyhting looks good then guys yes????????????????? also any1 care to gimmie a prediction on what i could achieve here????


Well-Known Member
i have also stopped giving them nutes now??????????????? anybody out there tht can advise me on the nute thing plz


Well-Known Member
few more pics i think the taller plant is stunted as its not really doing alot bud wise.still popping hairs out? the bushier one is doing well tho i think? i know the pics are still crap but what should i be looking out for to know when they are done.ty


The easiest way to know when buds are done is for all the calyxes to be swollen to the max and for the hairs to fall into the buds. Then you'll know there done. just look at finished buds on the net