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  1. S

    Will this work for Dolomite Lime?

    Hi, I was wondering if anyone could tell me if Hi-Yield Agricultural Limestone would work in place of dolomite lime? It's the only thing I can get around here and it appears the ratios look pretty close to dolomite. And, if I did use this, would there be any negatives versus other dolomite...
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    If your about to Cure- then you gotta read this-

    I have a jar measuring 56% but the buds are still not dry and the stems arent anywhere near to snapping. Does that mean my hygrometer isnt calibrated correctly? Would it be possible for buds not to feel dry and stems not snapping with a reading like that? I'm freakin out over here. Thanks!
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    Why every bud taste same in vaporizer?!?

    Is the above statement true? That it would indeed all taste the same because of this? I have a Silver Surfer vape, not a cheap one, and I feel most everything does taste the same with the exception of extreme berry varieties. Could it be I'm either turning the heat on too low or too high?
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    Question - Small Boy, Tap Water and PPM

    Thank you. I know it has some kind of carbon filter. I looked on the company's website and it even says it doesnt lower ppm, just reduces chlorine and chloramines (but wouldnt that reduce ppm?). Is 280 ppm dangerous for plants?
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    Question - Small Boy, Tap Water and PPM

    Was going to try one of the LC mixes using guanos or meals. One of the "just add water" methods. Will I hurt them if I just use the small boy and water?
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    Question on Tap Water

    Rain water collection and filtering may be tough for me. I started a new thread by mistake with this question: My tap water's PPM is 280. I have both an RO system and a Small Boy. I was always told never to use RO water with organics. After purchasing the small boy to just get rid of the...
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    Question - Small Boy, Tap Water and PPM

    My tap water's PPM is 280. I have both an RO system and a Small Boy. I was always told never to use RO water with organics. After purchasing the small boy to just get rid of the chloramines, I noticed it does not lower the PPM at all. It remains at 280. I've also heard that you should not...
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    Question on Tap Water

    I'll start by saying I have read many posts and am still slightly confused. If I want to do an all organic grow with one the the LC mixes with either the meals or the guanos, so I just have to add water the whole life cycle, here is my question: My tap water is around 225ppm. It also has...
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    The Official Dwc Cooler Club - Any Kind of Cooler Res

    How do you guys change the res? Do you use pumps to get the water out? Im just thinking with the top of the cooler attached to the base, it would be harder to do, unless you detach the lid.