Why every bud taste same in vaporizer?!?


Well-Known Member
I have 3 kinds of buds to smoke, mexican schwag stress weed, shakes from the medical shop and organic OG Kush. In the joint the weed smokes amazing for OG kush very sour sweet and smooth, the mexican weed is weak but gives me a buzz, the shakes in a joint dont hit and taste like rolled lawn grass taste like shit. Now here is something i find hard to believe, in a vaporizer the stress hit pretty good it had that vaporizer taste and got me higher than the joint, the shakes in the vaporizer taste the same vapor taste and got me super higher than the shitty joint form of smoke. The og kush really dissapointed in me in the vapor, the vapor taste completely took over!! And the higher went smoother and oddly weaker, it is making me think that vaporizers do not discrimate against bomb or weak it all comes out equal and the joints are better for dank.bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Vaping is a different way of getting high...and I love teh varied tastes of various varieties when vaping....bagging is always a significant taste when using some nice nugs that have been cured well....IMO...any weed that is smoked before a proper dry and cure is not gonna taste nearly as good.....as in growing, patience in dry and & cure is where ya get the real taste ya want....


Well-Known Member
Vaping is a different way of getting high...and I love teh varied tastes of various varieties when vaping....bagging is always a significant taste when using some nice nugs that have been cured well....IMO...any weed that is smoked before a proper dry and cure is not gonna taste nearly as good.....as in growing, patience in dry and & cure is where ya get the real taste ya want....
This has nothing to do with curing my OG kush bud came from medical shop and it was well cured, the smell was so strong it lingered into the bottled for a few days after being smoked and in a joint it was the tastiest weed i ever smoked. I noticed i did get a hint of flavor from vape but only the first few hits but after it taste lile regular weed in the vape.


Well-Known Member
what kind of vaporizer do you have? I bought a shitty one back in the day and it make all bud taste like crap. The expensive models (do research) are worth the extra $$


Well-Known Member
its because the THC/CBD molecules are the same throught all plants and that's all your smoking, the taste comes from a group of compounds called aromatic compounds witch don't get smoked in a vape


Is the above statement true? That it would indeed all taste the same because of this? I have a Silver Surfer vape, not a cheap one, and I feel most everything does taste the same with the exception of extreme berry varieties. Could it be I'm either turning the heat on too low or too high?

Mr Skunky Haze

Active Member
i have an ezvape i set my temp to 330-340F this gave me the full flavor of the bud, but the min i start tasting burnt popcorn im usually done. i just put the vape left overs in a bag and save until i have an oz, then make some wax!


Well-Known Member
Is the above statement true? That it would indeed all taste the same because of this? I have a Silver Surfer vape, not a cheap one, and I feel most everything does taste the same with the exception of extreme berry varieties. Could it be I'm either turning the heat on too low or too high?
No, that is absolutely not true. The aromatic compounds he is referring too are called terpenes, or once they have oxidized, terpenoids. Terpenoids are one of the first things to be vaped off of any herb you put in your vape, that is why the first hit or two, you get extreme flavor. After a couple of hits, all of the terpenoids have been vaporized, and you are left vaping whatever molecules take the most time/heat to break down. If your OG Kush and Mexican Schwag taste the same out of your vape, I either need your Schwag connection, or you need to find a different kush connection.

One could say that all vaporized herb GENERALLY tastes the same, but even that statement would be ill-guided. I can tell a definite difference from strain to strain, but I do see how some people might not.


Well-Known Member
i have an ezvape i set my temp to 330-340F this gave me the full flavor of the bud, but the min i start tasting burnt popcorn im usually done. i just put the vape left overs in a bag and save until i have an oz, then make some wax!
You make wax out of vaporized herb? I don't know if I should say Ew, or why? I've heard of baking with it, but come on, running butane over a product with 95% of the active ingredients taken out of it?? I would love to smoke some of that wax!!

Mr Skunky Haze

Active Member
OOPS thanks for catching that!! no i dont make wax with leftovers from vape, i make butter usually. im not sure why i said wax lol just on my mind i guess!


Well-Known Member
Which is why I stick to either a joint rolled up in a zig-zag orange rolling paper, or my 1-hitter.
I love the taste of my weed.


New Member
I can definitely taste the differences between varied strains with my Volcano.

If I volcano some very distinct tasting bud like pineapple chunk, the bag will taste like pineapple chunk for a while after that, even if I smoke something else.

If I take that bag after it tastes like p.chunk and smoke a different but also very strong and distinct tasting bud, like cheese, it will taste like a combo of the two.

Some combo's can be good, some can be bad.

I usually just use a separate bag for each strain I have at the time, that way I get the full taste of that strain.

It does have distinctly different tastes though, for sure. And the taste definitely stays...not just a couple hits and then the taste goes away like other vapes.