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  1. S

    Profit Margins and Start up money

    Yeah, I just hope it doesnt bite me in the ass before I can even start moving big work. Everyone here already thinks im a drug dealer -___- cus my pops. But my main concern is growing it. Ideally I'd like to master it and no one know I grow anything. and handel all of that myself. Then have a...
  2. S

    Profit Margins and Start up money

    Oh yeah I know that, thats what im debating now. Like in my city, not trying to sound cocky or like a dick but im like well know and all that. And now a days loyalty is unheard if. Everyone smiles in your face and is waiting to stab you in the back
  3. S

    Profit Margins and Start up money

    Yeah, I think the market here is weed. Coke is sloppy, and its not really that many base heads here when I live. My dad used to be a big timer in the 90s. he told me stay away from coke, he wants to move to cali and grow medical weed legally. I kinda want to but I don't wanna put all my money...
  4. S

    Profit Margins and Start up money

    I hear y'all. and yeah im gonna lock myself in the house for the next month and read everything there is possible about this. And I wish I was in cali. Im in bum ass northcarolina. but EVERYONE and their grandma smokes weed here. And the rich kids buy pounds like its nothing. So there is deff a...
  5. S

    Profit Margins and Start up money

    Lol, I love yall! I wish I could just find the best grower on here and have him fucking move in with me. I have the money, but I just don't know shit about growing at all. I saw a special on tv and got inspired. I guess i'll just have to do that trial and error bull shit. But of course with this...
  6. S

    Profit Margins and Start up money

    Oh and when I say what kind of money could I be looking at, I mean profit wise. Im thinking a basement that is converted into a lab has to bring in at least 120k a year. If 60K isnt enough start up money let me know what you think is enough to go all out. Not no low budget hole in the wall shit...
  7. S

    Profit Margins and Start up money

    So lets say I have a house thats a typical sized middle class house. 3 bedrooms about 2500 square feet, with a basement. I have about 60K that im willing to use to convert the basement into pot growing heaven. Is this enough money to turn it into a pretty decent operation? Also what kind of...