Profit Margins and Start up money

So lets say I have a house thats a typical sized middle class house. 3 bedrooms about 2500 square feet, with a basement. I have about 60K that im willing to use to convert the basement into pot growing heaven. Is this enough money to turn it into a pretty decent operation? Also what kind of money could I be looking at if I used the basement to the fullest.

Don't post any dick head stuff about "im gonna report you"

Im just trying to get a general idea oh how much money is to be made if its done the right way.

I read some stuff about making 23K per light per year so 5 lights make like 113K. Something along those lines, just break it down for me if you can.

Oh and when I say what kind of money could I be looking at, I mean profit wise. Im thinking a basement that is converted into a lab has to bring in at least 120k a year. If 60K isnt enough start up money let me know what you think is enough to go all out. Not no low budget hole in the wall shit, some real good stuff.


Well-Known Member
ok check it out lol.

1 light assuming 1000k watts can produce around 1-2lb in a large scale/commercial grow setup. figure at best in a perpetual harvest you can a pull every 2 months so 6 harvest a year 6-12 lb at wholesale in Cali for is 3-4k you are looking at between 18k-48k a light assuming you are already a good grower, etc. 60k is more than enough for that money you can do what i have in my sig that 20k watt medical grow which would take up around 1000sq ft.

however i cultivate for non-profit purposes as a caregiver so we dont do it for profit that is hypothetical

now in colorado MMJ is for profit in that case you can make big bucks out there lol

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
Dude, with THAT kind of money and all, with good security practices and a good grower, theres no reason you couldn't pull around a half a mil a year, if you could move what you produce. In most states, THATS the problem. We all know who we used to buy from, but it's the ones who do real weight that you gotta find. There's a lot of people who move "ditch weed" at $1K/lb, but the ones who can move some weight of quality bud are scarce.

kevin murphy

New Member
u could have an easy 30,000 watt grow scrog or just have a perpetual harvest by splitting the room in half..the amount of bud could be endless but just grow with one strain not loads of different ones..endless subbed


Well-Known Member
you can have a pretty bitchen setup, but running 20k in a house is a lot of juice i would setup a new panel for just the grow room to keep it safe.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
I'd kill for those resources. The possibilities are endless.......................

Thanx alot for making me think so early in the morning!!!!! I aint used to that!

kevin murphy

New Member
the best thing u shud do before u think of anything else is think about heat signature and how you gunna block it and ventalation..bein in a basement theres also gunna be mold and bacteria so you gunna have to clean aswell before anything else
Lol, I love yall! I wish I could just find the best grower on here and have him fucking move in with me. I have the money, but I just don't know shit about growing at all. I saw a special on tv and got inspired. I guess i'll just have to do that trial and error bull shit. But of course with this kind of money i'll take care of all the ventilation and all that shit, im just making sure I can make some serious money. I mean its better than flipping ki's of coke and the jail isnt nearly as long.


Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
I did both, and even tho the time aint what you'd get from the coke, it aint no joke in some places either. BELIEVE ME!!!
But the crazy thing is that theres a lot more money in good pot these days. Coke is cheap. Never thought I'd see the day...


Well-Known Member
if you are in Cali or local state i can point you in the direction of someone who can help you out, also i have friends who can help you on equipment cost. PM me

kevin murphy

New Member
then beforwe you do anything read read read watch watch watch and then ask ask ask and by doin that u will grow but dont go spending all that money until your coonfident enough to know how to grow..


Well-Known Member
then beforwe you do anything read read read watch watch watch and then ask ask ask and by doin that u will grow but dont go spending all that money until your coonfident enough to know how to grow..
or do what most people with collectives in cali do pay someone who knows what they are doing to do it for u lol
I hear y'all. and yeah im gonna lock myself in the house for the next month and read everything there is possible about this. And I wish I was in cali. Im in bum ass northcarolina. but EVERYONE and their grandma smokes weed here. And the rich kids buy pounds like its nothing. So there is deff a market for a lot here. plus im a 3 hour drive from atl and thats perfect. So realistically, if I do this shit right and get a good ass set up. how much do y'all think a year? Im probably gonna find a good grower and fly him here If I can't find one locally. I have the money I just wanna make sure its all done right.

Oh course this is all hypothetical :)


Well-Known Member
I hear y'all. and yeah im gonna lock myself in the house for the next month and read everything there is possible about this. And I wish I was in cali. Im in bum ass northcarolina. but EVERYONE and their grandma smokes weed here. And the rich kids buy pounds like its nothing. So there is deff a market for a lot here. plus im a 3 hour drive from atl and thats perfect. So realistically, if I do this shit right and get a good ass set up. how much do y'all think a year? Im probably gonna find a good grower and fly him here If I can't find one locally. I have the money I just wanna make sure its all done right.

Oh course this is all hypothetical :)
hypothetically that is a great idea, and like i said u can pm me and i will go into more detail lol i know all about atlanta i had a girl working for me that was from there she moved out here and became a playboy playmate lol
Yeah, I think the market here is weed. Coke is sloppy, and its not really that many base heads here when I live. My dad used to be a big timer in the 90s. he told me stay away from coke, he wants to move to cali and grow medical weed legally. I kinda want to but I don't wanna put all my money into switching coasts and then it fall through.

kevin murphy

New Member
theres your first mistake bring sumone in you dont know..never do that...the operation should be a 1 man team or a friend you have known your whole life even then i wont do it...the more people that know the more u have to worry about its called security with the operation u thinking i wont trust my mother but thats just me
I hear y'all. and yeah im gonna lock myself in the house for the next month and read everything there is possible about this. And I wish I was in cali. Im in bum ass northcarolina. but EVERYONE and their grandma smokes weed here. And the rich kids buy pounds like its nothing. So there is deff a market for a lot here. plus im a 3 hour drive from atl and thats perfect. So realistically, if I do this shit right and get a good ass set up. how much do y'all think a year? Im probably gonna find a good grower and fly him here If I can't find one locally. I have the money I just wanna make sure its all done right.

Oh course this is all hypothetical :)