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  1. E

    In need of charcoal filter recommedations

    Thank you everyone for your replies. I really appreciate it. One or more questions if you all don't mind. My bud room is 9 ft x 6 ft x 7ft. That is 378 cubic feet. How big of a fan should I use with a 400 & 600 watt lights in there. Once in a while I will use a second 400 watt bulb if I...
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    In need of charcoal filter recommedations

    Hello all you Weed Nerds. Thank you in advance for your help. My charcoal filter is not cutting the smell very well at all. I use a no name brand from eBay and I see why it's a no name brand. It barely helps eliminate the smell. Please let me know your favorite brand of filter and fan...
  3. E

    What would be the best TGA strain to get for sleep?

    I am so screwed up. I can take 8, 3 mg tablets of melatonin and still can't fall asleep. I have those Ambien to fall asleep with one but usually pop awake in a 1/2 hour then can't fall back asleep.. I have Lunesta's too. Same thing, fall asleep pop awake in a half hour. I even have Xyrem which...
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    Canopy Managment 101

    Bumping this up front. For me must have info. Thanks subcool.
  5. E

    The Main-Lining Thread

    I have been away. How is Nug's book coming along?
  6. E

    The Main-Lining Thread

    What exact light if you don't mind telling do you use for UV-b? A pet store lizard & snake light? Thanks.
  7. E

    The Main-Lining Thread

    nugbuckets is there any way you can repost that video that is about 10 minutes long where you go into the cambruim (not sure on spelling) level of the stem that you had on here about a month or a month & 1/2 ago. I want to study that info again if you don't mind. Those stems are outstanding...
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    The Main-Lining Thread

    I have to ask because I must have missed it. Your custom soil, it's the Super Soil with what else exactly if you would let me know please? Damn your good at this & I can't wait to buy you book! Thank You yet again.
  9. E

    The Green Avenger Soil

    Any word on this coming to Philly Pa anytime soon?
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    The Main-Lining Thread

    Holy Fuck nugbuckets all with super soil and only plain water?
  11. E

    New Jersey Registration Starts Today!

    You are so right on target. I couldn't agree with you more
  12. E

    Getting high before work

    This so true and sad.
  13. E

    Brownie help!? Urgent

    A thing to think about is this "friend" knowledgeable about growing? Would the friend think wow some buds, I'll take them them blame some mystery kids? Is this one of those "friends" who never has and bud and hangs out with folks that do? Has the "friend" come up with any helpful solutions to...
  14. E

    Best weed strains for anxiety?

    Some people I know claim White Rhino is helping them very much.
  15. E

    The Main-Lining Thread

    That must be some photographer you then because I wouldn't think an entry level camera is capable of these photo's you post. I think they are works of art just like your main-lining technique is.
  16. E

    The Main-Lining Thread

    Oriah, hi Are these really like the best lights available? from how I am reading that website it has everything in one bulb. I only just started your medical scrog so I haven't gotten to these bulbs in it yet. Thanks.
  17. E

    The Main-Lining Thread

    If you ever have time could you get a parts list together so I can build this. I will look at the photo's again and again but I'm pretty sure I'll miss some key part or piece or measurement. Thank You.
  18. E

    The Main-Lining Thread

    Do you think a really intense fan like a would do the same sort of work as you are doing?
  19. E

    The New Site Critique Thread

    It's about 10 to 11 inches. It's an Acer Aspire One netbook.
  20. E

    Shopping for new bulbs...for my lumatex...advice?

    I know that fellow nerd and that nerd thanks you again.